UCP Issue : Changing the registration agreement of board

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UCP Issue : Changing the registration agreement of board

Post by BAT »

Hello I again come with a problem

I want to change the reigstration agreement of my board ...

I follow the instructions given in this link :- http://www.phpbb.com/kb/article/changin ... our-board/

phpbb version of my board is 3.0.6
adress of my board : - http://bangaliaddarthek.bangalaforum.hostzi.com/

Whatever I do , it doesn't work , even I have search for solution over the net , though there are few solutions and people replied working , those doesn't happen in my case ... If I change I see a white registration page

This is to what I want to change ...

[quoteem]Registration to this forum is free! Before you proceed to registration page, we would like you to read and confirm <a href="http://bangaliaddarthek.bangalaforum.ho ... iAddarThek General Rules</a> and <a href="http://bangaliaddarthek.bangalaforum.ho ... =121">Term Of Service</a>. If you agree to the terms, please check the <b>'I agree to these terms'</b> button below. If you would like to cancel the registration please click on 'I do not agree to these terms button'.

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As you can see that like original ucp.php 's 'TERMS_OF_USE_CONTENT' I have made my boards registration agreement also in three paragraph agreement , I simply copy paste this over the original paragraph by paragraph ...
even then I still land up in a white page ...

Please Help
I am a Novice and I'm always confused . :?
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Re: UCP Issue : Changing the registration agreement of board

Post by Steve »

its is this part causing the error,

Code: Select all

'I agree to these terms'</b> button below. If you would like to cancel the registration please click on 'I do not agree to these terms button'.
simply because of the usage of ' this with in the php

try this:

Code: Select all

"I agree to these terms"</b> button below. If you would like to cancel the registration please click on "I do not agree to these terms button".
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Re: UCP Issue : Changing the registration agreement of board

Post by BAT »

Thank a lot Steve , its up and running .
I am a Novice and I'm always confused . :?