Refresh & No Right click BBCode

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BBCode Bot
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Refresh & No Right click BBCode

Post by BBCode Bot »

Refresh & No Right click BBCode

Author: djgalix
Description: The Refresh & No Right click BBCode protect your pictures with a "no right click". The page refresh when You right click.
Working in Internet Explorer and Firefox.
Not working in Opera.


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript">
function refresh()
                return false;
document.oncontextmenu = refresh;

Code: Select all

Refresh: [Refresh][/Refresh]

Code: Select all

Try to right click in this topic. You will see it is not possible and the page refreshes instead.
BBCoder II
BBCoder II
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Joined: 25 Jul 2010, 17:15

Re: Refresh & No Right click BBCode

Post by Mark1200 »

BBCode Bot » 06 Mar 2010, 08:47 wrote:Refresh & No Right click BBCode

Author: djgalix
Description: The Refresh & No Right click BBCode protect your pictures with a "no right click". The page refresh when You right click.
Working in Internet Explorer and Firefox.
Not working in Opera.
Works also in Google Chrome! :D