Problem about permissions

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Problem about permissions

Post by Blackwolf »

Sorry to drag up old threads but I noticed in the last week or so that topics not yet approved by moderator (Still in newly reg group) are showing in "Latest Topics" yet I have...

Code: Select all

WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('t.forum_id', $flist) . ' AND t.topic_moved_id = 0 AND t.topic_approved = 1 AND t.forum_id <> 269
in functions_top_stats.php :?

Clicking the link results in "topic does not exist" :)
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Problem about permissions

Post by Stoker »

It works fine with latest top stats version 1.0.10
Just testet it here.
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Problem about permissions

Post by Blackwolf »

Mind me asking how you tested it?

A member of the newly registered users group posted a topic. It had yet to be approved but showed in the "Latest Topics" section.

Did you create a new user? (to test?) my functions_top_stats.php is from the latest version.

This ONLY happened in the last week. I have not changed any settings/files in relation to this mod.

I respect you & your mods, so please do not take offence but is there perhaps another reason? :?
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Problem about permissions

Post by Stoker »

I have a testuser who cant post without approval in my top stats forum.
The testuser created a topic in the top stats forum.
Topic is still awaiting approval.
It doesnt show in the recent active topics.

Things like that dont just happen by it self.
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Problem about permissions

Post by Blackwolf »

I apologise. :oops:

Remove my nub post.

It's not even this mod.......Top Five. :roll:

2 x

Code: Select all

//-- mod: top five ---------------------------------------------------------//
// destroy the top_five cache
//-- end: top five ---------------------------------------------------------//
In function_user.php


Code: Select all

sudo accept appology 
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Problem about permissions

Post by Stoker »

remind me to kick your ass one of these days :D
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