Blank page and Error pages (What do they mean?)

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Blank page and Error pages (What do they mean?)

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Blank page and Error pages (What do they mean?)
Written by Jaymie1989

This will help you to understand what a blank page on your board and what error pages mean.

Blank white pages
  • On your board you might come across a page that looks like it has not loaded and it just shows a blank white page.
    A blank page usually means that there is a language file that has been edited and after an edit of a line there is no comer , It is needed after each line in every language file.
  • Although that a blank white page could not only mean a language file has been edited wrongly it could also mean that there has previously been a MOD that was attempted to be installed but didnt go as planned so then you would check your file edits to make sure its all done correctly.
  • If them two solutions do not work then it could be a hosts issue so you would be better off asking them if they have any issues with there server.
Usually its the first solution that is the issue with blank white pages.

Error Pages

You may come across error pages and have no idea what they mean, Here are some of them explained

Error 400 'Bad Syntax' - This means the Syntax of the request not understood by the server. Example

Error 401 'Unauthorized' - This shows when you have no authority to access this page, or you need to authorize your self Example

Error 403 'Forbidden' - This shows that the server is refusing to respond to it, Unlike a 401 error no authorization will not make a difference. Example

Error 404 'Not Found' - This shows when a page is not found, either a wrong url or a page that is not there anymore and has been deleted or was not there in the first place. Example

Error 500 'Internal Server Error' - This error mean that there is a server error, Its a error on the server so you need to contact you host for this issue, Sometimes if you are on a shared host then there maybe to many people visiting other sites that are on the same server. An occasional refresh might work in some cases. Example

Error 501 'Not Implemented' - This means that the server doesnt recognize the request of the page. Either the server cannot open the page correctly or it lacks the ability to fulfill the request. Example

Error 502 'Bad Gateway' - This shows that the server encountered a temporary error and could not complete opening of the page. Example

Error 503 'Service Unavailable' - Again this could only be a temporarily issue, It could be that the server is down for maintenance or is overloaded with people visiting sites on the same server. Example

Additional Pages:
Explained 4xx errors - From Wikipedia