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by Blackwolf
29 Nov 2011, 13:29
Forum: Top Stats
Topic: Moved Topics?
Replies: 20
Views: 50183

Moved Topics?

Ok...I realise there is no support for the old version......But I realise what it is...I am missing <!-- IF S_TSRAT_ENABLE and S_TS_JSSCROLL and SCRIPT_NAME == "index" --> from my over all header....but if I place it in the required spot I get the below error Parse error: syntax error, une...
by Blackwolf
29 Nov 2011, 13:06
Forum: Top Stats
Topic: Moved Topics?
Replies: 20
Views: 50183

Moved Topics?

I had 4 recent viewed topics & 4 most replied topics set..... Every month we create a new sub forum And move the Wallpaper Of The Day thread ....say from November to December...... If you then click one of 2 instances of Wallpaper Of Th...
by Blackwolf
27 Nov 2011, 13:15
Forum: Forum Goal
Replies: 8
Views: 2732


For this prosilver-based styles CSS mess and that means what? I simply mean that I do not find splitting information into a zillion of CSS files based on some fuzzy criteria (like these prosilver-based styles do) useful nor productive way of HTML coding. Okay...thought you were having a go at me......
by Blackwolf
27 Nov 2011, 12:26
Forum: Forum Goal
Replies: 8
Views: 2732


Wrong file. For this prosilver-based styles CSS mess, you need to look elsewhere, most likely content.css P.S. Please, use the [code] tag to paste code into posts. I'll look into that. I have always posted the code between the tags. I simply forgot the closing tag. I also have been doing that sincv...
by Blackwolf
27 Nov 2011, 12:09
Forum: Forum Goal
Replies: 8
Views: 2732


Well, I mean, e.g. <ul class="topiclist forums"> - the topiclist and forums inside the class attribute should match what the CA_Black style is generally using for these elements. See the CSS files supplied with that style and the relevant html templates - if you cannot find a reference to...
by Blackwolf
27 Nov 2011, 11:42
Forum: Forum Goal
Replies: 8
Views: 2732


Please can you supply the edited forum_goal_body for ca_black? Please :D This does not use any special colors, simply use the appropriate classes for your theme for the divs/tables. Sorry ...thats like....spanish to me...... :? I applied the below edits....a tad dark...but I'm not as good at this a...
by Blackwolf
27 Nov 2011, 11:17
Forum: Forum Goal
Replies: 8
Views: 2732


Please can you supply the edited forum_goal_body for ca_black? Please :D I had a look around at the files but the colours in there, are only for the images or text colour. Appreciate it. :? was shiny ;) Stoker....very cool dude. :thumb: Solved ;) background-color:#1c1c1...
by Blackwolf
26 Nov 2011, 13:25
Forum: Site Announcements
Topic: Big Crash!
Replies: 16
Views: 12621

Big Crash!

Good luck stoker...let me know if you need any copies of any mods know I have most. :D

Did you feel sick when it happened? Know what thats like. :oops:

Keep up the great work. We all appreciate it.
by Blackwolf
19 Nov 2011, 13:46
Forum: Top Stats
Topic: [ADDON] Forum images in recent active topics
Replies: 46
Views: 31798

[ADDON] Forum images in recent active topics

doktornotor wrote:@Blackwolf, that obviously is a "pasto" error there... search for f.forum_name instead. :D
Thanks.....but no sign of that either.....
by Blackwolf
19 Nov 2011, 13:10
Forum: Top Stats
Topic: [ADDON] Forum images in recent active topics
Replies: 46
Views: 31798

[ADDON] Forum images in recent active topics

Open includes/functions_top_stats.php
Forum images in recent active topics

Cant find that line, not even part of it in includes/functions_top_stats.php :?

Even checked includes/functions_top_stats.php from 1.0.6....