Search found 216 matches

by Nully
19 Apr 2012, 17:47
Forum: User Discussions
Topic: Pink Username
Replies: 3
Views: 2895

Pink Username

No, it has been copyed from my forum :D
by Nully
11 Apr 2012, 07:00
Forum: PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod
Topic: Removed
Replies: 3
Views: 3504


We had the same error! :lol:
by Nully
09 Apr 2012, 14:40
Forum: Misc
Topic: PhpBB Countdown MOD
Replies: 300
Views: 113540

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

What about users having desactivated javascript ?

The difference between you and me is that you know what these scripts are useful for. I know nothing :!:
For example you said to replace the jquery-1.7.min.js by jquery 1.3, I did not (without knowing why).
by Nully
09 Apr 2012, 07:48
Forum: Misc
Topic: PhpBB Countdown MOD
Replies: 300
Views: 113540

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Good morning :D
Fine. Thanks Stoker.
So, it works ok after having deleted jquery-1.7.min.js from overall_header.

In the script's folder I have :
by Nully
08 Apr 2012, 22:48
Forum: Misc
Topic: PhpBB Countdown MOD
Replies: 300
Views: 113540

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

I have to leave you and to go to my bed :)
I'll leave my countdown on line until tomorrow morning. Have a nice night and happy easter.
by Nully
08 Apr 2012, 22:35
Forum: Misc
Topic: PhpBB Countdown MOD
Replies: 300
Views: 113540

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

I don't understand. You have a browser changing the language?
I can translate for you, no need of browser :o
Please tell me if I have to delete or add some jquery or something else. :)
by Nully
08 Apr 2012, 22:28
Forum: Misc
Topic: PhpBB Countdown MOD
Replies: 300
Views: 113540

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Yes it is the link in my profile. What flash are you getting?
I don't have any flash with Firefox, Chrome, Opera... :mrgreen: :?:
by Nully
08 Apr 2012, 22:12
Forum: Misc
Topic: PhpBB Countdown MOD
Replies: 300
Views: 113540

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

I'll put it online now, so you can have a look...
by Nully
08 Apr 2012, 22:12
Forum: Misc
Topic: PhpBB Countdown MOD
Replies: 300
Views: 113540

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

I deleted jquery-1.7.mins.js as Bl4d3 said and it seems to work.

I did not replaced it by jquery.jcountdown1.3.3.min.js, I have already

Code: Select all

<script src="{ROOT_PATH}script/jquery.jcountdown.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Do you think it is ok?
by Nully
08 Apr 2012, 21:47
Forum: Misc
Topic: PhpBB Countdown MOD
Replies: 300
Views: 113540

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Hello, I need your help :) I installed the Mod version 1.0.1. On local host it works perfect but not online. Online I leaved it on test mode. It seems to be jquery problem (?) because I do not see the countdown, I only see a small navbar. I do not know how to solve the problem. On line I have exactl...