Search found 22 matches

by DoYouSpeakWak
29 Mar 2010, 10:23
Forum: Styles
Topic: [3.0.6/7] phpBBFreak
Replies: 3
Views: 6805

Re: [3.0.6/7] phpBBFreak

Thanks for this one. It looks great.
by DoYouSpeakWak
22 Mar 2010, 14:10
Forum: Snippets
Topic: Online/Offline Text Info
Replies: 15
Views: 16222

Re: Online/Offline Text Info

I missed that. Its no biggie. But a language/common.php might be the best solution.

What about adding this to the ucp ? What do you think about that ?
by DoYouSpeakWak
22 Mar 2010, 13:02
Forum: Snippets
Topic: Online/Offline Text Info
Replies: 15
Views: 16222

Re: Online/Offline Text Info

Thought a bit about this last night. I was sure that online and offline pure text allready was in the language files. So no need for hardcoding and translation problems. I was right. common.php 'OCCUPATION' => 'Occupation', 'OFFLINE' => 'Offline', 'ONLINE' => 'Online', So if im not mistaken this <dd...
by DoYouSpeakWak
21 Mar 2010, 14:49
Forum: PhpBB3 Support
Topic: Moderators..
Replies: 4
Views: 3276

Re: Moderators..

Use the standard group and not a new one. If you use a new group called moderators you made yourself, that group and not the names will show up under each forum.

And you also have to go to the

Acp > Permissions > Forum moderators
by DoYouSpeakWak
17 Mar 2010, 15:05
Forum: Styles
Topic: [3.0.7] SE Square Left
Replies: 79
Views: 58700

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

While trying to recolor this style im having a few problems. Styles is not my strong side, so i hope someone can help out. Problem. se_left_sqaure_Index page_1268830756386.png The color is "20354C" when searching for that in the css files there is only 2 hits. .headerbar { height: 123px; b...
by DoYouSpeakWak
15 Mar 2010, 12:57
Forum: PhpBB3 Support
Topic: Custom BBCodes Page problem
Replies: 8
Views: 8421

Re: Custom BBCodes Page problem

Got a link for your site and this mod ?
by DoYouSpeakWak
15 Mar 2010, 12:11
Forum: Styles
Topic: [3.0.7] SE Square Left
Replies: 79
Views: 58700

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Personally iwe had some problems with signatures. They split up into two coloumns. It was easy to fix. Open memberlist_view.html Find <div class="postbody"><div class="signature" style="border-top:none; margin-top: 0;">{SIGNATURE}</div></div> Replace with <div class=&qu...
by DoYouSpeakWak
10 Mar 2010, 17:26
Forum: Styles
Topic: [3.0.7] SE Square Left
Replies: 79
Views: 58700

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Add a menu. Written by Stoker . HERE Menu Lets add a menu to this style, we only need 2 edits. Open overall_header.html Find: <div class="navbar"> <div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span> Before add: <div class="headerbarmenu"><a href=...
by DoYouSpeakWak
10 Mar 2010, 16:45
Forum: PhpBB3 Support
Topic: IF statements
Replies: 1
Views: 3544

IF statements

Here is the if statements that was posted by RMcGirr83 originally. Plus some addons by stoker. <!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --> If a user is logged in <!-- IF S_REGISTERED_USER --> If user is logged in and not a bot <!-- IF S_AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED --> If auto login is allowed <!-- IF S_BOARD_DISABLED --> If...