
  • BBCodes
    Ordinary BBCode Database
    BBCodes that need nothing else than installation through ACP
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    Last post by Pete View the latest post
  • Video BBCodes
    Video BBCode Database
    BBCodes used for embedding videos
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    52 Topics
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    Last post by Inner Circle View the latest post
  • Music BBCodes
    Music BBCode Database
    BBCodes for embedding Music players
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    Last post by cisco007 View the latest post
  • Mod BBCodes
    Mod BBCode Database
    BBCodes that need some file editing or extra files
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    Last post by Stoker View the latest post
  • Submit a BBCode
    User submitted BBCodes
    Let us see what You have
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  • BBCode Testarea
    Use the BBCode Testarea to test our BBCodes
    All testing must be done here
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  • Modifications
    Modifications for phpBB3. Try the Mods here and share Your own Mods
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  • Snippets
    Guides & Snippets for phpBB3. Try the Snippets here and share Your own Snippets
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  • Tutorials
    Tutorials for phpBB3. Try the Tutorials here and share Your own Tutorials
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  • Styles
    PhpBB3 Styles Database. Try the Styles here and share Your own Styles
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  • User Contributions
    Post your own Mods, Snippets, Tutorials here. Share what you got
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    Last post by Daniel_Knecht View the latest post
  • PhpBB3 Support
    Support for PhpBB3. Post here to get help with any phpBB3 related issue here
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    439 Topics
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    Last post by Stoker View the latest post
  • BBCode Support
    Support for PhpBB3 BBCodes. Post here to get help with any BBCode related issue here
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    432 Posts
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