PhpBB Countdown MOD

Miscaleneous modifications from Stoker
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PhpBB Countdown MOD

Post by Stoker »

New version here

Modification Name: PhpBB Countdown MOD
Author: Stoker

Modification Description: The PhpBB Countdown MOD display a countdown in your forum header, just below the navbar.
It can be configured in ACP. You can enable/disable the countdown and set it to count down or count up.
You can also set the date and a text displayed before the countdown and a text that will replace the countdown when finished.


Modification Version: 2.0.2
phpBB Version: 3.0.11
AutoMOD: Yes

Demo URL: none

Modification Download:
PhpBB Countdown
View the install file

Known bugs:
all fixed
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PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Post by Solidjeuh »

Countdown is not showing on my forum Stoker .. I did all edits good ..


Any idea what this could be? Something in overal_header i guess ..

Code: Select all

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               <!-- IF S_ENABLE_FEEDS_FORUMS --><link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="{L_FEED} - {L_ALL_FORUMS}" href="{U_FEED}?mode=forums" /><!-- ENDIF -->
               <!-- IF S_ENABLE_FEEDS_TOPICS --><link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="{L_FEED} - {L_FEED_TOPICS_NEW}" href="{U_FEED}?mode=topics" /><!-- ENDIF -->
               <!-- IF S_ENABLE_FEEDS_TOPICS_ACTIVE --><link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="{L_FEED} - {L_FEED_TOPICS_ACTIVE}" href="{U_FEED}?mode=topics_active" /><!-- ENDIF -->
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               * Find a member
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                  popup(url, 760, 570, '_usersearch');
                  return false;

               * New function for handling multiple calls to window.onload and window.unload by pentapenguin
               window.onload = function()
                  for (var i = 0; i < onload_functions.length; i++)

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<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
		date: "{COUNTDOWN_DATE}",
		onComplete: function( event ) {
		leadingZero: true,
		htmlTemplate: "<span class='cd-time'>{COUNTDOWN_TEXT}</span>  %{d} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_DAYS}</span> %{h} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_HOURS}</span> %{m} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_MINUTES}</span> %{s} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_SECONDS}</span>",
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            * New pop-up functions
            * based on

            //SETTING UP OUR POPUP
            //0 means disabled; 1 means enabled;
            var popupStatus = 0;
            var openPopup = '';

            //loading popup with jQuery magic!
            function loadPopup()

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                  $('#backgroundPopup').css({'opacity': '0.7'});
                  // Now let's make sure we actually see the image
                  var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
                  $('#popupPM').animate({marginTop: scroll}, 'fast', function() {
                     // Animation complete.
                  popupStatus = 1;
                  openPopup = 'PM';

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            function disablePopup()
               //disables popup only if it is enabled
               if(popupStatus==1 && openPopup == 'PM')
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               $('#backgroundPopup').css({'height': windowHeight});

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                  //centering with css
                  //load popup
               <!-- ENDIF -->
               <!-- IF S_VIEWTOPIC -->
               <!-- ENDIF -->
               // IE6 and below PNG fix (not really)
               //CLOSING POPUP
               //Click the x event!
               //Click out event!
               //Press Escape event!
                  if(e.keyCode==27 && popupStatus==1)
               <!-- IF S_VIEWTOPIC -->
               // Image popup
               $('img', 'dt.attach-image').click(function(){
                  image_load($(this).attr('src'), $(this).attr('alt'));
               $('.content img').click(function(){
                  var check = $(this).parent().hasClass('content');
                     image_load($(this).attr('src'), $(this).attr('alt'));
               // Closing Image popup
               //Click the x event!
               //Click image box event
               //Click image event
               $('#ImagePopup img').click(function(){
               <!-- ENDIF -->


            * Replaces weird looking PNG files with the respectie GIF file
            * Only run this if the browser is IE6 or below
            function replace_png()
               // Fix Logo
               var str = $('#logo img').attr('src');
               $('#logo img').attr('src', str.substring(0, str.length - 3) + 'gif');
               // Fix forum icons
               $('dl.icon').each(function() {
                  var str = $(this).css('background-image');
                  if(str != '')
                     $(this).css('background-image', str.substring(0, str.length - 5) + 'gif")');

            <!-- IF S_VIEWTOPIC -->
            * Image resizer
            function resize_images()
               var hello = $('dl.attachbox dd dl.file dt.attach-image img').innerWidth();
               var maxWidth = $('div.content').innerWidth() - 30;
               // resize the attached images
               $('img', 'dt.attach-image').each(function(i){
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                  if ($(this).width() > maxWidth)
                     // calculate new image dimensions
                     newWidth = maxWidth;
                     newHeight = $(this).height() / ( $(this).width() / maxWidth );
                     // set new image dimensions
               // resize the images that were added via [img] bbcode
               $('img', 'div.content').each(function(i){
                  // check the width of the image
                  $(this).css('max-width', maxWidth); // fix for IE
                  if ($(this).width() > maxWidth)
                     // calculate new image dimensions
                     newWidth = maxWidth;
                     newHeight = $(this).height() / ( $(this).width() / maxWidth );
                     // set new image dimensions

            * Image pop-up
            function image_load(src, alt)
               //loads popup only if it is disabled
                  $('#ImagePopup').html('<img id="imgpopup" src="' + src + '" alt="' + alt + '" />');
                  var windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
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                  var maxWidth = windowWidth * 0.85;
                  var maxHeight = windowHeight * 0.85;
                  $('#popupImage img').css('max-width', maxWidth);
                  $('#popupImage img').css('max-height', maxHeight);
                  $('#backgroundPopup').css({'opacity': '0.7'});
                  // Now let's make sure we actually see the image
                  var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
                  $('#popupImage').animate({marginTop: scroll}, 'fast', function() {
                     // Animation complete.
                  popupStatus = 1;
                  openPopup = 'Image';

            //centering popup
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               var windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
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               var popupWidth = $('#popupImage').width();
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               var newLeft = windowWidth/2-popupWidth/2;
               'position': 'absolute',
               'top': newTop,
               'left': newLeft
               //only need force for IE6
               $('#backgroundPopup').css({'height': windowHeight});

            //disabling popup with jQuery magic!
            function disableImage()
               //disables popup only if it is enabled
               if(popupStatus==1 && openPopup == 'Image')
                  popupStatus = 0;
                  openPopup = '';
            <!-- ENDIF -->
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	<!-- effortless script below -->
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	        jQuery('#backtotop a').click(function(){
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	            return false;
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            <body id="phpbb" class="section-{SCRIPT_NAME} {S_CONTENT_DIRECTION}">
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       <span>Laden van pagina.. Even geduld aub..</span>

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                        <li class="icon-home"><a href="{U_INDEX}" accesskey="h">{L_INDEX}</a> <!-- BEGIN navlinks --> <strong>&#8249;</strong> <a href="{navlinks.U_VIEW_FORUM}">{navlinks.FORUM_NAME}</a><!-- END navlinks --></li>
                                  <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_SEARCH and not S_IN_SEARCH -->
                        <li class="rightside">
                        <form action="{U_SEARCH}" method="post" id="search">
            <input name="search_id" id="search_id" type="hidden" value="speedsearch" />
                           <input name="zoekwoorden" id="zoekwoorden" type="text" maxlength="128" title="{L_SEARCH_KEYWORDS}" class="inputbox search" value="<!-- IF SEARCH_WORDS-->{SEARCH_WORDS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_SEARCH_MINI}<!-- ENDIF -->" onclick="if(this.value=='{LA_SEARCH_MINI}')this.value='';" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='{LA_SEARCH_MINI}';" />
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                        <li class="icon-ucp">
                           [<a href="{U_PROFILE}" title="{L_PROFILE}" accesskey="e">{L_PROFILE}</a>]
                              <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_PM --> [<a href="{U_PRIVATEMSGS}">{PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO}</a>]<!-- ENDIF -->
                           <!-- IF U_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS --> &bull;
                           <a href="{U_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS}">{L_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS}</a>
                           <!-- ENDIF -->
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    <li class="icon-rss"><a href="radio.php" onclick="'radio.php','','toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, width=450, height=415, left=50, top=50'); return false;">{L_RADIO}</a></li>
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       <!-- Start Ultimate Points -->
       <!-- IF S_POINTS_ENABLE -->
       <li class="icon-faq"><a href="{U_POINTS}" title="{L_POINTS_EXPLAIN}">{POINTS_LINK}<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN and S_USE_POINTS --> [ {USER_POINTS} ] <!-- ENDIF --></a></li>
       <!-- ENDIF -->
       <!-- End Ultimate Points -->

       <li class="icon-faq"><a href="{U_SHOP}" title="{L_UPS_EASY_SHOP}">{SHOP_LINK}</a></li>
       <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_INVITE -->                                                 
       <li class="icon-faq"><a href="{U_INVITE_A_FRIEND}"><strong>{L_ACP_INVITE}</strong></a></li>
       <!-- ENDIF -->
       <li class="icon-rss"><a class="Donatie" href=""><strong><span class="stijl1">Donatie</span></strong></a></li>

       <li class="icon-rss"><a href="{U_NEWSLETTER}" title="{L_NEWSLETTER_EXPLAIN}">{L_NEWSLETTER}</a></li>

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       <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_MEMBERLIST --><li class="icon-faq"><a href="{U_MEMBERLIST}" title="{L_MEMBERLIST_EXPLAIN}">{L_MEMBERLIST}</a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
       <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_TOPLIST --><li class="icon-thanks_toplist"><a href="{U_REPUT_TOPLIST}" title="{L_REPUT_TOPLIST}">{L_REPUT_TOPLIST}</a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
       <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_THANKSLIST --><li class="icon-thanks"><a href="{U_THANKSLIST}" title="{L_THANKS_USER}">{L_GRATITUDES}</a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
    <!-- ENDIF -->

                     <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>

               <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->
<div id="backtotop">
<a href="#start_here"><img src="" alt="Back to TOP" /></a>
<div id="supportus">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Support" /></a>

<div id="xmas" class="xmas-hidden">
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    <div id="xmas-bg" class="pngfix">
	<h1 class="xmas-h1">Sinterklaas boodschap</h1>
	<div class="xmas-msg">
	    <div align="center"><br />
	      De sint heet je welkom op Presents 4 You! <br />
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	      En wenst jou en je hele familie fijne feestdagen toe! <br />
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	      En nog een heleboel plezier op ons gezellige forum!	</div>
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</div><!-- /xmas -->

<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and COUNTDOWN_ENABLE -->
		<div class="navbar timecount">
			<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
			<span id="time"></span>
			<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
	<!-- ENDIF -->
               <a name="start_here"></a>
               <div id="page-body">
                           <!-- IF S_USER_UNREAD_PRIVMSG -->
                      <div id="message" class="rules">
                         <div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
                            <strong>{L_INFORMATION}:</strong> {L_NEW_PM_NOTICE} - Klik <a href="{U_PRIVATEMSGS}">hier</a> om naar jou inbox te gaan.
                         <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
                      <!-- ENDIF -->
                  <!-- IF S_BOARD_DISABLED and S_USER_LOGGED_IN and (U_MCP or U_ACP) -->
                  <div id="information" class="rules">
                     <div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
                        <strong>{L_INFORMATION}:</strong> {L_BOARD_DISABLED}
                     <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
                  <!-- ENDIF -->
                    <!-- INCLUDE arcade/arcade_info_body.html -->
                    <!-- INCLUDE announcement_centre.html -->

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PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Post by Stoker »

You have added jquery twice
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PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Post by Solidjeuh »

Stoker wrote:You have added jquery twice
Hmz can't see it .. wich one please?
Don't see a double ..
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PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Post by Stoker »

Open the file and search: jquery
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PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Post by Solidjeuh »

Stoker wrote:Open the file and search: jquery
Yeah I know .. Really can't find it ..
Just woke up, Or I'm just totally stupid .. :?
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PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Post by Solidjeuh »

Sorry for the double post :)

I just tried to remove 1 jquery at the time .. nothings works..
And when I ad the countdown code the next / back / stop ... buttons from top stats are not working anymore..
But when I remove the top stats jquery the countdown still does not work ..
Really have no idea what the problem is
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PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Post by Terr0r »

I have instaal this MOD/Snippet but I have the same problem as Solidjeuh

What can I do to get it working good ?

Greets Terr0r
If you can't fix it with ducktape you ain't using enough
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PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Post by Stoker »

Solidjeuh wrote:Sorry for the double post :)

I just tried to remove 1 jquery at the time .. nothings works..
And when I ad the countdown code the next / back / stop ... buttons from top stats are not working anymore..
But when I remove the top stats jquery the countdown still does not work ..
Really have no idea what the problem is
Try delete this line:

Code: Select all

<script src="{ROOT_PATH}script/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Terr0r wrote:I have instaal this MOD/Snippet but I have the same problem as Solidjeuh

What can I do to get it working good ?

Greets Terr0r
We have been over this 1000 times before. You have too many jqueries added.
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PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Post by Solidjeuh »

Stoker wrote:
Solidjeuh wrote:Sorry for the double post :)

I just tried to remove 1 jquery at the time .. nothings works..
And when I ad the countdown code the next / back / stop ... buttons from top stats are not working anymore..
But when I remove the top stats jquery the countdown still does not work ..
Really have no idea what the problem is
Try delete this line:

Code: Select all

<script src="{ROOT_PATH}script/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Not working.. When I enable countdown, the buttons are not working and countdown is not showing.. same as picture in my first post
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