Extension Name: phpBB Quick Reply Full Author: Steve
Extension Description: This extension simply adds bbcodes and smilies to quick reply.
Note: I can't find a descent extension for 3.3. X, so I ported some code from my showroom extension into quick reply. Shoot me
Extension Version: 0.9.0-dev Requirements:
Shows users who are not able to ignore the flood limit when they can post next.
Shows users that they can reply after a countdown.
Shows users an alert if they try to submit an empty message.
Smilies are put in a dropdown box.
Extension Download:
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Just one thing Steve. You have to click the small "show quick reply" link in right corner.
This is an extra action and what is doens is making the reply not so quick.
Why not just push the post reply button instead of using QR?
~ The greatest achievement in life is to inspire ~ Regards Stoker