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My phpBB3 version of smilies in a scroll box!

Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 14:26
by Steve
prosilver instructions
open styles/prosilver/templates/posting_editor.html

Code: Select all

			<strong>{L_SMILIES}</strong><br />
			<!-- BEGIN smiley -->
				<a href="#" onclick="insert_text('{smiley.A_SMILEY_CODE}', true); return false;"><img src="{smiley.SMILEY_IMG}" width="{smiley.SMILEY_WIDTH}" height="{smiley.SMILEY_HEIGHT}" alt="{smiley.SMILEY_CODE}" title="{smiley.SMILEY_DESC}" /></a>
			<!-- END smiley -->
replace with:

Code: Select all

			<div style="width:100%; height:300px;border: solid 1px gray; overflow:auto;">
			<strong>{L_SMILIES}</strong><br />
			<!-- BEGIN smiley -->
				<a href="#" onclick="insert_text('{smiley.A_SMILEY_CODE}', true); return false;"><img src="{smiley.SMILEY_IMG}" width="{smiley.SMILEY_WIDTH}" height="{smiley.SMILEY_HEIGHT}" alt="{smiley.SMILEY_CODE}" title="{smiley.SMILEY_DESC}" /></a>
			<!-- END smiley -->
subsilver2 instructions
open styles/subsilver2/templates/posting_body.html

Code: Select all

				<!-- BEGIN smiley -->
					<a href="#" onclick="insert_text('{smiley.A_SMILEY_CODE}', true); return false;" style="line-height: 20px;"><img src="{smiley.SMILEY_IMG}" width="{smiley.SMILEY_WIDTH}" height="{smiley.SMILEY_HEIGHT}" alt="{smiley.SMILEY_CODE}" title="{smiley.SMILEY_DESC}" hspace="2" vspace="2" /></a>
				<!-- END smiley -->
replace with:

Code: Select all

	        <div style="width:100%; height:300px;border: solid 1px gray; overflow:auto;">
				<!-- BEGIN smiley -->
					<a href="#" onclick="insert_text('{smiley.A_SMILEY_CODE}', true); return false;" style="line-height: 20px;"><img src="{smiley.SMILEY_IMG}" width="{smiley.SMILEY_WIDTH}" height="{smiley.SMILEY_HEIGHT}" alt="{smiley.SMILEY_CODE}" title="{smiley.SMILEY_DESC}" hspace="2" vspace="2" /></a>
				<!-- END smiley -->
Save and refresh template for prosilver and subsilver2.
height and border can be adjusted in this part of the new html code.

Code: Select all

height:290px;border: solid 1px gray;

Re: My phpBB3 version of smilies in a scroll box!

Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 14:35
by Oliver
What happens in the chat smileys?

Re: My phpBB3 version of smilies in a scroll box!

Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 14:37
by Steve
Oliver ยป 25 Mar 2010, 13:35 wrote:What happens in the chat smileys?

doesnt affect the chat smilies heres how to do it for mini-chat for prosilver based styles,

open styles/prosilver/template/mchat_body.html

Code: Select all

<!-- BEGIN mchatsmilerow -->
<a href="javascript://" onclick="insert_text('{mchatsmilerow.MCHAT_SMILE_CODE}', true);"><img src="{mchatsmilerow.MCHAT_SMILE_IMG}" width="{mchatsmilerow.MCHAT_SMILE_WIDTH}" height="{mchatsmilerow.MCHAT_SMILE_HEIGHT}" alt="{mchatsmilerow.MCHAT_SMILE_CODE}" title="{mchatsmilerow.MCHAT_SMILE_EMOTION}" /></a>
<!-- END mchatsmilerow -->
replace with:

Code: Select all

<div style="width:100%; height:45px;border: solid 1px gray; overflow:auto;">
<!-- BEGIN mchatsmilerow -->
<a href="javascript://" onclick="insert_text('{mchatsmilerow.MCHAT_SMILE_CODE}', true);"><img src="{mchatsmilerow.MCHAT_SMILE_IMG}" width="{mchatsmilerow.MCHAT_SMILE_WIDTH}" height="{mchatsmilerow.MCHAT_SMILE_HEIGHT}" alt="{mchatsmilerow.MCHAT_SMILE_CODE}" title="{mchatsmilerow.MCHAT_SMILE_EMOTION}" /></a>
<!-- END mchatsmilerow -->
height and border can be adjusted in this part of the code:

Code: Select all

height:45px;border: solid 1px gray;
refresh template for prosilver

Re: My phpBB3 version of smilies in a scroll box!

Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 14:42
by Oliver
Thanks. Very good.

Re: My phpBB3 version of smilies in a scroll box!

Posted: 25 Mar 2010, 23:02
by kevinviet
Thanks again, you're awesome vectra-mods :thumbsup:

Re: My phpBB3 version of smilies in a scroll box!

Posted: 30 Mar 2010, 13:20
by Widmo
Awesome! :o :thumbsup:

Re: My phpBB3 version of smilies in a scroll box!

Posted: 08 Apr 2010, 15:55
by wide

Re: My phpBB3 version of smilies in a scroll box!

Posted: 26 Apr 2010, 03:05
by cisco007
if you would like to put everything except the topic review link in the scroll bar, for prosilver,
like in the pic:
my smilies.PNG

Code: Select all

			<strong>{L_SMILIES}</strong><br />
			<!-- BEGIN smiley -->
				<a href="#" onclick="insert_text('{smiley.A_SMILEY_CODE}', true); return false;"><img src="{smiley.SMILEY_IMG}" width="{smiley.SMILEY_WIDTH}" height="{smiley.SMILEY_HEIGHT}" alt="{smiley.SMILEY_CODE}" title="{smiley.SMILEY_DESC}" /></a>
			<!-- END smiley -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
			<br /><a href="{U_MORE_SMILIES}" onclick="popup(this.href, 300, 350, '_phpbbsmilies'); return false;">{L_MORE_SMILIES}</a>
		<!-- ENDIF -->

		<!-- IF .smiley --><hr /><!-- ENDIF -->
			{IMG_STATUS}<br />
			{FLASH_STATUS}<br />
			{URL_STATUS}<br />
		<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
Replace with:

Code: Select all

             <div style="width:100%; height:300px;border: solid 1px gray; overflow:auto;">
             <strong>{L_SMILIES}</strong><br />
             <!-- BEGIN smiley -->
                <a href="#" onclick="insert_text('{smiley.A_SMILEY_CODE}', true); return false;"><img src="{smiley.SMILEY_IMG}" width="{smiley.SMILEY_WIDTH}" height="{smiley.SMILEY_HEIGHT}" alt="{smiley.SMILEY_CODE}" title="{smiley.SMILEY_DESC}" /></a>
             <!-- END smiley -->
                          <!-- ENDIF -->
              <!-- IF S_SHOW_SMILEY_LINK and S_SMILIES_ALLOWED-->
                 <br /><a href="{U_MORE_SMILIES}" onclick="popup(this.href, 300, 350, '_phpbbsmilies'); return false;">{L_MORE_SMILIES}</a>
              <!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF .smiley --><hr /><!-- ENDIF -->
			{IMG_STATUS}<br />
			{FLASH_STATUS}<br />
			{URL_STATUS}<br />
		<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->

Re: My phpBB3 version of smilies in a scroll box!

Posted: 29 Apr 2010, 12:31
by Mario14125
Thanks. Very good mod :)

Re: My phpBB3 version of smilies in a scroll box!

Posted: 12 May 2010, 20:01
by artikkk
Thanks.. very good :D