Login/Logout Smiley

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Login/Logout Smiley

Post by Stoker »

Login/Logout Smiley
Written by Stoker

Display a smilie when the user login or logout. Its simple and easy, but for the ones who doesnt know, here it is :)

Open language/en/ucp.php

Code: Select all

'LOGIN_REDIRECT'			=> 'You have been successfully logged in.',
Replace with:

Code: Select all

'LOGIN_REDIRECT'			=> 'You have been successfully logged in <img src="put the link to smilie here - remember to change width and height" style="width:65px; height:58px;" alt="" />',

Code: Select all

'LOGOUT_REDIRECT'			=> 'You have been successfully logged out.',
Replace with:

Code: Select all

'LOGOUT_REDIRECT'			=> 'You have been successfully logged out <img src="put the link to smilie here - remember to change width and height" style="width:65px; height:58px;" alt="" />',
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