Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

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Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Post by newsbee »

I don't have those lines in my common.php en language file...
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Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Post by Stoker »

Its in the template files somewhere.
Im on from my phone so i cant check which file it is.
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Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Post by newsbee »

Found. In script/charCount.js
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Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Post by nextgen »

Great Mod guys, ran locally at first then upgraded very easily with no issues and now sending to live enviroment. Thanks a bunch.
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Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Post by kamhan143 »

Awesome Work... i love it.
thanks for very good premod...

i'm beginner on phpbb so i need some help...
how can make SE PRO or prosilver left style in windscreen ?
And how can i see Donation & other installed Mod in ACP ?

hope you help me soon...

thanks in advance.
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Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Post by Stoker »

There is no acp control for the premod.
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Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Post by webmaster »

Thanks bro for your cool MOD!!!
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Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Post by Jessica »

is the Custom BBCode page like the one here, with that question mark button? I really like that part of the mod...
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Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Post by martin123456 »



you can see the default custom bbcode page here that is in the premod http://www.blades-place.co.uk/boardbbcodes.php

If you request nice and blink your eyes you never know you may get it.
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Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Post by Jessica »


Stoker, can I pretty please have the Custom BBCodes mod like the one on THIS site, I really like the question mark button and it's really helpful; on my forum I was planning to create a custom page and listing some custom BBCodes along with the BBCode usage and HTML replacement and if I installed instead the Custom BBCodes mod, the one EXACTLY like custom-bbcodes, I would be so grateful and it will be so much easier and simplified. Just this one mod please...I can't donate, if it's a donors' only mod because of my parents, if I had any money I would, but I don't ):

if you can't I understand but I will forever want this mod (the one used on this site) because of the usefulness of it showing the BBCode Usage and HTML replacement!!!!! ):

thanks so much in advance if you do let me have the mod that's like the custom bbcodes page here, I will be forever grateful! ImageImage
Last edited by Jessica on 21 Mar 2012, 04:38, edited 1 time in total.