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Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 12:35
by newsbee
I don't have those lines in my common.php en language file...

Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 13:46
by Stoker
Its in the template files somewhere.
Im on from my phone so i cant check which file it is.

Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 21:32
by newsbee
Found. In script/charCount.js

Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 00:45
by nextgen
Great Mod guys, ran locally at first then upgraded very easily with no issues and now sending to live enviroment. Thanks a bunch.

Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Posted: 08 Feb 2012, 21:50
by kamhan143
Awesome Work... i love it.
thanks for very good premod...

i'm beginner on phpbb so i need some help...
how can make SE PRO or prosilver left style in windscreen ?
And how can i see Donation & other installed Mod in ACP ?

hope you help me soon...

thanks in advance.

Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Posted: 08 Feb 2012, 23:50
by Stoker
There is no acp control for the premod.

Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 16:31
by webmaster
Thanks bro for your cool MOD!!!

Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 01:38
by Jessica
is the Custom BBCode page like the one here, with that question mark button? I really like that part of the mod...

Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 01:48
by martin123456


you can see the default custom bbcode page here that is in the premod

If you request nice and blink your eyes you never know you may get it.

Discussion topic for the PhpBB3 BBCodes Premod

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 04:02
by Jessica

Stoker, can I pretty please have the Custom BBCodes mod like the one on THIS site, I really like the question mark button and it's really helpful; on my forum I was planning to create a custom page and listing some custom BBCodes along with the BBCode usage and HTML replacement and if I installed instead the Custom BBCodes mod, the one EXACTLY like custom-bbcodes, I would be so grateful and it will be so much easier and simplified. Just this one mod please...I can't donate, if it's a donors' only mod because of my parents, if I had any money I would, but I don't ):

if you can't I understand but I will forever want this mod (the one used on this site) because of the usefulness of it showing the BBCode Usage and HTML replacement!!!!! ):

thanks so much in advance if you do let me have the mod that's like the custom bbcodes page here, I will be forever grateful! ImageImage