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[Snippet] Rows Forums & Topics clikables without mod

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 18:18
by Flamingdevastation
Guys let's stop arguing. In the future - FTH - just put the link to the other author, and say that it was made by him with edits by you. No point in arguing over who made what.

Also, the code you gave me didn't work.

[Snippet] Rows Forums & Topics clikables without mod

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 19:04
by FTH
First I did not know this mod, second everyone knows how to use the onclick window open, and lately when Stoker could delete this message, it will avoid controversy ;)

[Snippet] Rows Forums & Topics clikables without mod

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 19:27
by Stoker
Terr0r wrote:FTH You say you are the Author about this MOD it is it NOT ... opic_rows/

Greets Terr0r
Thats two different things!
As Franck says it isnt rocket science to add onclick to a div, li or any other tag.

The fact that you are a thief doesnt make everybody else thieves!
You got your self a warning for this. Congrats!

[Snippet] Rows Forums & Topics clikables without mod

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 19:33
by martin123456
Flamingdevastation wrote:
Also, the code you gave me didn't work.
ty FTH it works for me. :thumb:

A note for users who use rich's Plus Signs for Sub-categories do not use these edits as it stops the Plus Signs for Sub-categories edits from working but its good for user's who dont use the Plus Signs for Sub-categories.

[Snippet] Rows Forums & Topics clikables without mod

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 21:11
by Arnevb
FTH wrote::x

READ !!!!

2 lines for me (without Mod) and 2 minutes to install on viewtopic and viewforum

The mod you show me (30 minutes to install and more, more more many files to modify)

:twisted: go away please
You got like 100 points there.

[Snippet] Rows Forums & Topics clikables without mod

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 22:10
by doktornotor
Arnevb wrote: You got like 100 points there.

[Snippet] Rows Forums & Topics clikables without mod

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 23:12
by RMcGirr83
FWIW, any time you edit any of the phpBB default code, that includes html files, it is considered a mod as it is changing the default behavior of phpBB.

[Snippet] Rows Forums & Topics clikables without mod

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 23:17
by FTH
yeah, Rich, if i add a snow script for Christmas Style, it's also a Mod ?

If i see some styles as Supernova or Styles created by Cyberalien, that's mod too... ;)

And if members don't want these styles or add small codes, it's their problem (i hope you understand my point of view) ;)

best regards

[Snippet] Rows Forums & Topics clikables without mod

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 23:26
by RMcGirr83
me wrote:any time you edit any of the phpBB default code, that includes html files, it is considered a mod as it is changing the default behavior of phpBB.
I should have said default phpBB html files.

Styles are a different breed and I leave that to Raimon at .com.<---- shameless waiver ;)

[Snippet] Rows Forums & Topics clikables without mod

Posted: 06 Dec 2011, 08:08
by FTH
I understand that you would say ;) (it's not very serious... Members are not required to install all the tricks)

and it's funny to create snippets :D ;)

see you soon Rich