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Total views of the site from day one

Posted: 11 Dec 2011, 00:42
by Caz
I got spyka's mod installed. This is what I have.

We have been online since 03 Aug 2008, 17:45:08 • Views 2,044,672
Where, or how do I add the syntax for "Total Views of the site"

Total views of the site from day one

Posted: 11 Dec 2011, 09:15
by Stoker
Isnt that the: Views 2,044,672 ??
The file is index_body.html but it is up to you where to place it.

Total views of the site from day one

Posted: 11 Dec 2011, 18:11
by Caz
Yes that is the Views, but I tried to also add it to the language/en/common.php to see the syntax "Total views of the site" in front of the Views 2... Doesn't work.

We have been online since 03 Aug 2008, 17:45:08 • Views 2,044,993
But I want to show.
We have been online since 03 Aug 2008, 17:45:08 • Total views of the site Views 2,044,993

// Statistics on index
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'BOARD_VERSION' => 'PhpBB version',
'START_DATE' => 'We have been online since',
'TOTAL_VIEWS' => 'Total views of the site',
Make since? :?

Total views of the site from day one

Posted: 11 Dec 2011, 18:20
by Stoker
If you have above in your language file, just add this to your index_body.html:

Code: Select all


Total views of the site from day one

Posted: 11 Dec 2011, 18:39
by Caz
Stoker wrote:If you have above in your language file, just add this to your index_body.html:

Code: Select all

I have it that way, but in front of Views, I want to add:

We have been online since 03 Aug 2008, 17:45:08 • Total views of the site Views 2,045,081
I don't know what file to add the Total views of the site to.

Total views of the site from day one

Posted: 11 Dec 2011, 18:54
by Stoker
Like you posted here: viewtopic.php?f=36&p=10768#p10766
According to the mod instructions that code is added to language/en/common.php

Total views of the site from day one

Posted: 11 Dec 2011, 19:14
by Caz
Stoker wrote:Like you posted here: viewtopic.php?f=36&p=10768#p10766
According to the mod instructions that code is added to language/en/common.php
I have it that way:
'TOTAL_VIEWS' => 'Total views of the site',
Just the Views are showing on the index. Sorry for all of the confusion, but it's not showing the added text "Total views of the site" on the index in front of the Views.
Thanks again and I'll stop bothering you.

Total views of the site from day one

Posted: 11 Dec 2011, 19:21
by Stoker
Thats because you didnt do what I told you here: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1682&p=10774#p10767

Total views of the site from day one

Posted: 11 Dec 2011, 20:14
by Caz
Stoker wrote:Thats because you didnt do what I told you here: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1682&p=10774#p10767
I see the Views on my site on the index and have since I added the hits mod. No problem there. I added the {L_TOTAL_VIEWS} {HITS} in the index_body.html. No problem there, but not seeing the
'TOTAL_VIEWS' => 'Total views of the site', from the common.php that I added.
I don't see the text, Total views of the site, on the index preceding the Views. I don't know how to explain it any other way. Sorry. You did a great way of showing the stats. The users are already commenting on it. I'll be satisfied with the Views only. It looks good on the index and thanks for your help.

Total views of the site from day one

Posted: 17 Feb 2012, 07:03
by webmaster
Thanks bro for your nice share..!!