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Sexy Social Bookmarks

Posted: 04 Jun 2012, 23:35
by martin123456
mod opdateret means ???

i can work it out but i'm sure other's can't

Mod updated

Sexy Social Bookmarks

Posted: 05 Jun 2012, 17:06
by Galandas
being Italian
you can make mistakes in writing

Mod updated

Sexy Social Bookmarks

Posted: 10 Jul 2012, 23:20
by matthewtimothy
now does this place it on every post, page, or the starting post??

Sexy Social Bookmarks

Posted: 27 Jul 2012, 19:55
by matthewtimothy
you have some files missing. The icons are not present and the links stack. I did make sure to refresh style and purge cache.

Sexy Social Bookmarks

Posted: 26 Dec 2012, 19:53
by Galandas
Updated Mod 1.0.2

Sexy Social Bookmarks

Posted: 27 Dec 2012, 16:11
by Tigerman75
Thanks.Very nice Mods.

[RC] Sexy Social Bookmarks

Posted: 09 May 2013, 19:35
by Galandas
Updated Mod 1.0.3

Sexy Social Bookmarks

Posted: 01 Jun 2013, 20:33
by Galandas
Updated Mod 1.0.4
  • Added Sexy Social Bookmarks after the first message with the name of the author of the topic, see screenshot on the front page.

Sexy Social Bookmarks

Posted: 26 Jun 2013, 22:57
by Galandas
Mod Updated Version 1.0.7

It was added the ability to choose which buttons display, you can choose the color of the tooltip, is the color of the text
See Screenshot or demo on the front page

Sexy Social Bookmarks

Posted: 30 Jun 2013, 01:06
by Galandas
Mod Updated Version 1.0.8
Improvements have been made to the ACP side code, now you can choose with a single click mouse
an image to associate, even small improvements in viewtopic.

See the screenshot on the first page