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[BBCode] Neonlights

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 21:58
by juango
as i said in my previous post, I know how to fix it, i was letting terr0r know to fix HIS posted code! you shouldn't have Javascript capitalized!

[BBCode] Neonlights

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 22:30
by doktornotor
juango wrote:dok i know what the correct code is, i was just trying to let terr0r know if he could fix it so that his posted code here is valid that is all!
It is kinda difficult to fix code with CTRL+C => CTRL+V method unless you post the exact fix, ya know? :lol:

[BBCode] Neonlights

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 22:31
by FTH
??? in your previous post ??? sorry but i don't see anything about to fix that..., it's just a suggest of me and i know how to fix his me too , and i don't think it's just "Capitalize" ...

and the script is not correct too, it's missing the copyright because i know this script ;)

[BBCode] Neonlights

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 21:20
by Jessica
so cool. thanks for the BBCode (: