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Update from 1.6 to 1.8

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 19:30
by Stoker
Check your edits. Hint language

Update from 1.6 to 1.8

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 20:03
by Terr0r
I have check the common.php and this is what I have state in the common.php file in the language folder

Code: Select all

// BEGIN Top Stats
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'MOST_VIEWED'				=> 'Most viewed topics',
	'MOST_REPLIED'				=> 'Most replied topics',
	'NEWEST_TOPICS'				=> 'Latest Topics',
	'NEWEST_POSTS'				=> 'Latest Posts',
	'RECENT_ACTIVE'				=> 'Recent Active Topics',
	'MOST_ACTIVE_USERS'			=> 'Most active users',
	'MOST_ACTIVE_FORUMS'		=> 'Most active forums',
	'PREVIOUS_SCROLL'			=> 'Previous',
	'NEXT_SCROLL'				=> 'Next',
	'START_SCROLL'				=> 'Start',
	'STOP_SCROLL'				=> 'Stop',
	'LAST_REGISTERED_USERS'		=> 'Last registered users',
	'LAST_VISITED_BOTS'			=> 'Last visited bots',	
// END Top Stats
So that is good or is that not good ?

Already thanks for the help

Greets Terr0r

Update from 1.6 to 1.8

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 20:31
by Terr0r
The problem whit the Last visited bots is solved

I had something in the portal.php from last visit bots from a other MOD I have delete it and it is working fine now

I have a question is it possible to set a option to enable or disable the Recent Active Topics so as the

Most viewed topics
Most replied topics
Most active users
Most active forums
Last registered users
Last visited bots

Greets Terr0r

Update from 1.6 to 1.8

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 21:33
by Stoker
You cant disable Recent Active Topics???
The very first option in ACP.

Update from 1.6 to 1.8

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 21:51
by Terr0r
Yes I have seen it sorry for that questoin

Greets Terr0r

Update from 1.6 to 1.8

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 22:18
by slash
slash wrote:I used 1.0.8 and i try to do a fix but there seems to be already or not?
can you help me please?

Update from 1.6 to 1.8

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 23:59
by Stoker
slash wrote:
slash wrote:I used 1.0.8 and i try to do a fix but there seems to be already or not?
can you help me please?
To help you I would have to understand your question which I dont??

Update from 1.6 to 1.8

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 01:09
by slash
Hello I made ​​your top stats mod version 1.0.8.

then I tried to make the addon to see the icons in a recent forum active topics, but this was already in the mod and did not work.

now I have solve this:

I replaced this:

Code: Select all

<!-- IF recent_active.FORUM_IMAGE -->{ROOT_PATH}{recent_active.FORUM_IMAGE}<!-- ELSE -->{ROOT_PATH}images/starimg.png<!-- ENDIF -->

with this:

Code: Select all

<!-- IF recent_active.FORUM_IMAGE -->url({ROOT_PATH}{recent_active.FORUM_IMAGE});<!-- ELSE -->url({ROOT_PATH}images/starimg.png);<!-- ENDIF --> background-repeat: no-repeat;">
and replaced this:

Code: Select all

url({ROOT_PATH}images/starimg.png); background-repeat: no-repeat;">
with this:

Code: Select all

<!-- IF recent_active.FORUM_IMAGE -->url({ROOT_PATH}{recent_active.FORUM_IMAGE});<!-- ELSE -->url({ROOT_PATH}images/starimg.png);<!-- ENDIF --> background-repeat: no-repeat;">
on line 36.

all in recent_active_body.html

Update from 1.6 to 1.8

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 08:20
by Stoker
And the question is??
Does it work?
Did you do the edit of the php file?