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Is it possible to place Recent active block with mchat ?

Posted: 09 Jun 2012, 07:54
by jabhi
Recent active block needs tweaking. How to remove "Replies", "Views" and "Last topics" column. And need to increase the height to the same of mchat. One more, Below the active topics should be like this " by "recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_NAME" in "Forum name here" "recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POST_TIME" .
Did you get me ? Thanks.
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Is it possible to place Recent active block with mchat ?

Posted: 09 Jun 2012, 10:48
by jabhi
I changed Some codes in recent_active_body.html .
Now it looks like this.
Edited sorry former was orginal,

Code: Select all

<div style="text-align:right; padding-right:10px;"><a href="#" title="{L_PREVIOUS_SCROLL}" id="ticker-previous"><img src="{ROOT_PATH}images/player_rew.png" width="16" height="16" alt="{L_PREVIOUS_SCROLL}" /></a> <a href="#" title="{L_NEXT_SCROLL}" id="ticker-next"><img src="{ROOT_PATH}images/player_fwd.png" width="16" height="16" alt="{L_NEXT_SCROLL}" /></a> <a href="#" title="{L_STOP_SCROLL}" id="stop"><img src="{ROOT_PATH}images/player_pause.png" width="16" height="16" alt="{L_STOP_SCROLL}" /></a> <a href="#" title="{L_START_SCROLL}" id="start"><img src="{ROOT_PATH}images/player_play.png" width="16" height="16" alt="{L_START_SCROLL}" /></a></div>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<div class="forumlist">
<div class="forabg">
   <div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
   <ul class="topiclist">
      <li class="header widescreen-optimised">
         <dl class="icon">
            <dt><span class="wrap-content">{TSRAT_NUMBER} {L_RECENT_ACTIVE}</span></dt>
   <div class="trigger active"></div>
      <div class="collapsethis">
   <ul <!-- IF S_TS_JSSCROLL and not S_TS_TICKER -->id="vertical-ticker" <!-- ELSEIF S_TS_TICKER and not S_TS_JSSCROLL -->id="news" <!-- ENDIF -->class="topiclist forums">
      <!-- IF S_TS_TICKER and not S_TS_JSSCROLL -->
      <li class="row">
      <!-- BEGIN recent_active -->
      <dl class="icon widescreen-optimised" style="background-image: url(<!-- IF recent_active.FORUM_IMAGE -->{ROOT_PATH}{recent_active.FORUM_IMAGE}<!-- ELSE -->{ROOT_PATH}images/starimg.png<!-- ENDIF -->); background-repeat: no-repeat;">
         <span class="wrap-content"><a href="{recent_active.U_FIRST_TOPIC}" class="forumtitle">{recent_active.TOPIC_TITLE}</a><br />
         {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} <a style="font-weight:bold; color: #{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_COLOUR};" href="{recent_active.USERNAME_LAST}">{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_NAME}</a> {L_IN} <a href="{recent_active.FORUM_URL}">{recent_active.FORUM_NAME}</a> {recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POST_TIME}</span>
      <!-- END recent_active -->
      <!-- ELSE -->
      <!-- BEGIN recent_active -->
      <li class="row">
      <dl class="icon widescreen-optimised" style="background-image: url(<!-- IF recent_active.FORUM_IMAGE -->{ROOT_PATH}{recent_active.FORUM_IMAGE}<!-- ELSE -->{ROOT_PATH}images/starimg.png<!-- ENDIF -->); background-repeat: no-repeat;">
            <span class="wrap-content"><a href="{recent_active.U_FIRST_TOPIC}" class="forumtitle">{recent_active.TOPIC_TITLE}</a><br />
            {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} <a style="font-weight:bold; color: #{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_COLOUR};" href="{recent_active.USERNAME_LAST}">{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_NAME}</a> {L_IN} <a href="{recent_active.FORUM_URL}">{recent_active.FORUM_NAME}</a> {recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POST_TIME}</span>
      <!-- END recent_active -->
      <!-- ENDIF -->
   <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>

I got like below.

But the time is not correctly placing. I need the time in a format like this "5.30 pm" instead of showing the whole date and time. And how to increase the Height ( to show at least 4 or 5 more contents).

Is it possible to place Recent active block with mchat ?

Posted: 09 Jun 2012, 12:15
by jabhi
Stoker, Any solutions... ?

Is it possible to place Recent active block with mchat ?

Posted: 09 Jun 2012, 12:37
by martin123456
Stoker wrote:Yes, how does it look?
AWFULLY horrid

Is it possible to place Recent active block with mchat ?

Posted: 09 Jun 2012, 13:10
by jabhi
What about changing the width ....

Is it possible to place Recent active block with mchat ?

Posted: 10 Jun 2012, 12:10
by jabhi
Hai.. How to increase the height of the block ? Thanks.

Is it possible to place Recent active block with mchat ?

Posted: 10 Jun 2012, 12:32
by Stoker
In overall_header.html it is set to 3 rows. Change it to what you prefer.
Also change the tweaks.css accordingly.

Is it possible to place Recent active block with mchat ?

Posted: 10 Jun 2012, 13:39
by jabhi
Thank you Stoker, That worked for me. A small problem in the code. The specified space is not filling. Can you rectify it ? Thanks.

Code: Select all

<div style="text-align:right; padding-right:10px;"><a href="#" title="{L_PREVIOUS_SCROLL}" id="ticker-previous"><img src="{ROOT_PATH}images/player_rew.png" width="16" height="16" alt="{L_PREVIOUS_SCROLL}" /></a> <a href="#" title="{L_NEXT_SCROLL}" id="ticker-next"><img src="{ROOT_PATH}images/player_fwd.png" width="16" height="16" alt="{L_NEXT_SCROLL}" /></a> <a href="#" title="{L_STOP_SCROLL}" id="stop"><img src="{ROOT_PATH}images/player_pause.png" width="16" height="16" alt="{L_STOP_SCROLL}" /></a> <a href="#" title="{L_START_SCROLL}" id="start"><img src="{ROOT_PATH}images/player_play.png" width="16" height="16" alt="{L_START_SCROLL}" /></a></div>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<div class="forabg">
	<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
	<ul class="topiclist">
		<li class="header widescreen-optimised">
			<dl class="icon">
				<dt><span class="wrap-content">{TSRAT_NUMBER} {L_RECENT_ACTIVE}</span></dt>
	<ul <!-- IF S_TS_JSSCROLL and not S_TS_TICKER -->id="vertical-ticker" <!-- ELSEIF S_TS_TICKER and not S_TS_JSSCROLL -->id="news" <!-- ENDIF -->class="topiclist forums">
		<!-- IF S_TS_TICKER and not S_TS_JSSCROLL -->
		<li class="row">
		<!-- BEGIN recent_active -->
		<dl class="icon widescreen-optimised" style="background-image: url(<!-- IF recent_active.FORUM_IMAGE -->{ROOT_PATH}{recent_active.FORUM_IMAGE}<!-- ELSE -->{ROOT_PATH}images/starimg.png<!-- ENDIF -->); background-repeat: no-repeat;">
		   <span class="wrap-content"><a href="{recent_active.U_FIRST_TOPIC}" class="forumtitle">{recent_active.TOPIC_TITLE}</a><br />
		   {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} <a style="font-weight:bold; color: #{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_COLOUR};" href="{recent_active.USERNAME_LAST}">{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_NAME}</a> {L_IN} <a href="{recent_active.FORUM_URL}">{recent_active.FORUM_NAME}</a> {recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POST_TIME}</span>
		<!-- END recent_active -->
		<!-- ELSE -->
		<!-- BEGIN recent_active -->
		<li class="row">
		<dl class="icon widescreen-optimised" style="background-image: url({ROOT_PATH}images/starimg.png); background-repeat: no-repeat;">
				<span class="wrap-content"><a href="{recent_active.U_FIRST_TOPIC}" class="forumtitle">{recent_active.TOPIC_TITLE}</a><br />
				{L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} <a style="font-weight:bold; color: #{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_COLOUR};" href="{recent_active.USERNAME_LAST}">{recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_NAME}</a> {L_IN} <a href="{recent_active.FORUM_URL}">{recent_active.FORUM_NAME}</a> {recent_active.TOPIC_LAST_POST_TIME}</span>
		<!-- END recent_active -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
	<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>

Is it possible to place Recent active block with mchat ?

Posted: 10 Jun 2012, 16:10
by Stoker
Try replace <li class="row"> with <li class="row" style="width:98%;">

Is it possible to place Recent active block with mchat ?

Posted: 10 Jun 2012, 17:04
by jabhi
That seems to be not working for me .. :(