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Problem with javascript?

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 00:54
by Pilxy
I'm not sure if it is...

I have a test forum on another server, and everything seems to b working just fine.

And if I switch my live forum to prosilver style, works fine too...

Problem with javascript?

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 01:04
by Stoker
Im thinking it could be a cookie or cache problem?
Try delete all files in the cache folder except the .htaccess and index.html files
You need to do this with your ftp program.

Make sure you are using correct cookie setings. There is a guide on this on somewhere.

Problem with javascript?

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 01:39
by Pilxy
Cookie settings are correct. I used this article to check them: ... -settings/

There are two files in the cache folder I wasn't able to delete. And I have no .htaccess file there.

The white page still shows...

I'm afraid I have done a rookie mistake by not making backup files while I was doing mods. But everything seemed to be working fine on my test board, so I used the files to install them on my live board...

Problem with javascript?

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 03:13
by Pilxy
I have just tryed and installed fresh se_pro style. Everything was working fine until the prettyphoto mod. After installing the changes, white page started appearing again and when I reverted, the board was working fine again...

One other thing in have installed on my board is the mod that auto resizes posted images to fit the board. Can those two be in some sort of conlict, causing this?

Problem with javascript?

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 07:56
by Stoker
And this is not installed on your testboard?

Problem with javascript?

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 10:39
by Pilxy
All mods that are installed were first installed on the test board, then I used those files to install them on live board.

The only difference beetwen them is that test board was a fresh install, and the live board was a conversion from phpbb2.

Problem with javascript?

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 13:54
by Stoker
Just got an idea. Try uninstall and delete the style completely in ACP and then install it again.

Problem with javascript?

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 20:12
by Pilxy
Already did. First I just uninstalled the style in acp, later I tryed to uninstall it and delete it completely from the server and re-install it. Nothing changed...

Is it possible for this mod to be re-done so it will work with a different type of javascript?

Problem with javascript?

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 20:20
by Stoker
Can you please try uninstall it and see what happpens?

Problem with javascript?

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 21:54
by Pilxy
I'm sorry, you must have missunderstood me.

I already did the unninstal. The board works fine with just prosilver istalled - without the prettyphoto mod. When I install the style back, the white page returns.