[RC] Auto Video Embed v.1.0.0

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[RC] Auto Video Embed v.1.0.0

Post by iamthestreets »

Thanks 4seven! Your always very helpful.

Do you know if I can do this with the twitter bbcode?

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript">
function loadx(data) {
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/oembed.json?id={IDENTIFIER}&callback=loadx"></script>
<div class='twitter' onLoad='loadx().html'/>
BBCoder I
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[RC] Auto Video Embed v.1.0.0

Post by glamourservices »

Hi 4seven! Let me begin by saying you are a lifesaver and a genius! I've been using your auto video embed mod on my forum for some time now and it absolutely made my users' life easier!
Now, I have come across a tiny problem.
Recently I've been testing a WYSIWYG editor for my forum. I've tried a couple (wysibb, tinymce, ckeditor) which work more or less fine. But using them on Chrome they create a problem with auto embedding.
Specifically when I paste a video url, the editor auto-links the url by giving it the [url] code which breaks the embedding! On FF embedding still works fine! Since I really need a WYSIWYG editor but auto embedding is also crucial, may I ask:
is there a way I can edit something in the code so that it prevents auto-linking ONLY from the video sites?
I was thinking about something that would say "if the url contains *youtube* replace [url] with a space". The problem is I do not know how to do it!
I hope you see my message and provide me with some info, that would be really great!
Again, thank you so much for all your contribution!
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[RC] Auto Video Embed v.1.0.0

Post by 4seven »

I dont know the wysiwyg code and have less time atm.
AVE posting code is designed for genuine phpbb3 editor.
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