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PhpBB Random Jokes

Posted: 18 Apr 2014, 12:16
by regazer
Oh yes, I know and I did the german languan files like you see above. But as I told there was no effect with the title line "RANDOM JOKES" and the other three things. They all are also not to find within the original english language files. Sorry, but if it wouldn't be so I didn't have to ask about it. :(

PhpBB Random Jokes

Posted: 18 Apr 2014, 12:45
by Stoker
In the instructions you are instructed to add something to language/en/common.php
This must be done to language/de/common.php also.

PhpBB Random Jokes

Posted: 18 Apr 2014, 16:48
by regazer
Oh yes, I see. Thank you very much. There really I made the mistake to add the english words instead of translating. And I always searched in the file "jokes.php" :shock: - sorry about that.

But the other three things I found hardcoded in the file "includes/acp/acp_jokes_jokes.php" :?:

PhpBB Random Jokes

Posted: 18 Apr 2014, 16:52
by Stoker
Open language/en/acp/common.php (also remember your own language)

Code: Select all

Add before

Code: Select all

// Jokes
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'LOG_JOKES_UPDATED'			=> 'Joke updated',
	'LOG_JOKES_ADDED'			=> 'Joke added',
	'LOG_JOKES_REMOVED'			=> 'Joke removed',
Open includes/acp/acp_jokes_jokes.php

Code: Select all

Replace with

Code: Select all


PhpBB Random Jokes

Posted: 18 Apr 2014, 17:19
by regazer
Oh yes ! Thank you, Stoker ! I got it now:

There's nothing more to change in the file "acp_jokes_jokes.php" (without this one line) and nothing else in "jokes.php", but always in the language files of "common.php".

In english it should look like

Code: Select all

// Jokes
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'JOKESPAGE'             => 'Jokes',
	'RANDOM_JOKE'           => 'Random Jokes',
	'LOG_JOKES_UPDATED'     => 'joke updated (%s)',
	'LOG_JOKES_ADDED'       => 'joke added (%s)',
	'LOG_JOKES_REMOVED'     => 'joke removed (%s)',
and in german like

Code: Select all

// Jokes
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'JOKESPAGE'             => 'Witze',
	'RANDOM_JOKE'           => 'Zufallswitze',
	'LOG_JOKES_UPDATED'     => 'Witz aktualisiert (%s)',
	'LOG_JOKES_ADDED'       => 'Witz hinzugefĆ¼gt (%s)',
	'LOG_JOKES_REMOVED'     => 'Witz entfernt (%s)',
I think now it's solved the best way. This (%s) is needed to show the additionals too.

Re: PhpBB Random Jokes

Posted: 05 Dec 2014, 16:47
Thanks bro, for modifikacions!

Re: PhpBB Random Jokes

Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 06:17
by burn-hard
Hello Stoker,

i use the "random joke mod" and it runs perfect.
But i miss BBcode or Html. What can i do, to get this?

Sorry for my bad english

Best regards


Re: PhpBB Random Jokes

Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 21:04
by Stoker
I think there is something in the wiki about it.