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Re: Welcome On Index

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 06:08
by Stoker
Thanks Sniper,
I know there is an isue on mobile view but havent had the time to look at it.
Ill try out your template :thumb:

Re: Welcome On Index

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 19:24
by Stoker
Sniper_E wrote:But I'm not sure how to get the avatar to go away in the upright view. In the 550px or 430px max-width:
The class responsive-hide will do the trick:

Code: Select all

<span class="forum-image responsive-hide">

Re: Welcome On Index

Posted: 13 Nov 2014, 00:25
by Sniper_E
Thanks Stoker! :thumb: That extra class worked fine. But the avatar image went away too fast.

I want to see the avatar on my cell phone when holding phone sideways. And it goes away upright.
So I used the codes on my first post and set the avatar to drop after 430px
I just added a .forum-image class in the responsive stylesheet to do that...


Code: Select all

@media only screen and (max-width: 430px), only screen and (max-device-width: 430px) {
	.section-viewtopic .search-box .inputbox {
		width: 110px;
	.forum-image {
		display: none;
Now the avatar drops off at the right time. It's perfect!

Re: Welcome On Index

Posted: 15 Nov 2014, 01:59
by Solidjeuh
This extension works great, Tried on my test forum :D

Re: Welcome On Index

Posted: 16 Nov 2014, 20:35
by Nully
I installed locally your extension.
I created a new folder "fr" in language where I translated in french, it's ok.
Thanks Stoker :D

Re: Welcome On Index

Posted: 16 Nov 2014, 21:51
by Nully
in which file can I translate

Code: Select all


Re: Welcome On Index

Posted: 16 Nov 2014, 22:28
by Stoker
There is a common file in the language folder

Re: Welcome On Index

Posted: 17 Nov 2014, 00:46
by Nully
Ok, I found it in

Re: Welcome On Index

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 06:30
by Sniper_E
I installed paul999's ajax_shoutbox extension, his template was named index_body_stat_blocks_before
And I renamed his template to index_body_markforums_before.html just like yours... to get it off the bottom.

His shoutbox showed on the top of the page above your mod. I wanted your mod on the very top of the page.
I renamed your template overall_header_content_before.html to get your mod on top.

You may want to consider changing your template name because, I think, your Welcome! should always be on top.

Re: Welcome On Index

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 07:41
by Stoker
You have a point there sniper. Thanks.
Ill see if I can get it updated this week.

overall_header_content_before.html doesnt this place it on all pages?