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Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 03 Feb 2016, 14:22
by martin123456
danish characters ?? Learn to spell english no one wants danish :lol:

edit if your new to adsense then it can take 2 weeks or more to get approved until then your have blank ads.

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 17 Feb 2016, 17:42
by Stoker
Updated to 1.0.3
Bugs fixed and added option for blocking entire topics for ad blockers.

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 20 Feb 2016, 19:06
by sadfaffel

How does Topic Ad Block warning work?

Thank You

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 20 Feb 2016, 20:16
by Stoker
Its enabled here so just visit topocs for demo.

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 26 Feb 2016, 16:09
by Tony B
Great extension!

I have a couple of questions:

I am using the Advertisement Mod on an older board and one of the things I liked was that I could make different banners show up in different forums. Are there any future plans to add this feature to this extension? I sell ads by the forum is the reason I'm asking.

Last question is centering the banner ads. I have them centered in the header and footer, but the banner in the search results is not centered. How/where is the code to edit this to center it.

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 06 Mar 2016, 15:28
by Superkikim
Hi Stoker,

Tx for the great work. Appreciated.

I've been using Asdsense for PHPbb for quite a while. Now I have installed a Revive Ad Server therefore I moved to Adsense and Ads.

I have configured it succesfully, and in test mode, it works fine. Howerver, when I disable Test mode, it stays in test mode. Only admin can see the ads... Any workaround ?

The board is at

I'm using 1.0.3 (downloaded yesterday)



Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 06 Mar 2016, 15:56
by Superkikim

Just add your invoke script between <center> and </center> will do the trick.

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 06 Mar 2016, 21:23
by Stoker
Superkikim wrote:Hi Stoker,

Tx for the great work. Appreciated.

I've been using Asdsense for PHPbb for quite a while. Now I have installed a Revive Ad Server therefore I moved to Adsense and Ads.

I have configured it succesfully, and in test mode, it works fine. Howerver, when I disable Test mode, it stays in test mode. Only admin can see the ads... Any workaround ?

The board is at

I'm using 1.0.3 (downloaded yesterday)


I see the ads on your site?

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 08 Mar 2016, 14:55
by Superkikim
I have deactivated Adsense and Ads, and reactive Ads while I was waiting for your feedback. Do you want me to reactive it ?

If you need an access for troubleshooting, let me know, we can arrange that by MP.

Re: Adsense & Ads for phpBB

Posted: 12 Mar 2016, 17:04
by Stoker
First step is to deactivate, delete date and activate again.
See if it helps and let me know.