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Re: PM Notify & Guest Register bar

Posted: 22 Apr 2010, 09:32
by Stoker

Re: PM Notify & Guest Register bar

Posted: 23 Apr 2010, 12:07
by BAT
Stoker ยป 10 Mar 2010, 20:27 wrote:PM Notify & Guest Register bar

Standard Edition


Open styles/prosilver/template/overall_header.html
Find and delete:

Code: Select all

		if ({S_NEW_PM})
			var url = '{UA_POPUP_PM}';, '&'), '_phpbbprivmsg', 'height=225,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes, width=400');
	<!-- ENDIF -->
This is the code that does the standard popup window when there is a new private message.
We are replacing it so we dont need it anymore.
I have a question !
as you are suggesting to delete the above mentioned code -
my question is , if I donot delete this above mentioned code but implement the rest of the modification , will there be any problem in working of this modification ?
I mean , I want to keep both this PM pop-up and this PM Notify bar ....

Please answer ...

Re: PM Notify & Guest Register bar

Posted: 23 Apr 2010, 12:36
by Stoker
No, you can keep that piece of code.
The only thing that will happen is that the standard popup system still will work - as you want.

Re: PM Notify & Guest Register bar

Posted: 23 Apr 2010, 19:36
by BAT
thank you again stroker

Re: PM Notify & Guest Register bar

Posted: 07 May 2010, 07:39
by Harry
Nice THANKS ;) ;)


Re: PM Notify & Guest Register bar

Posted: 13 Jun 2010, 22:07
by Progress
How I can set Register bar & Pop like here same Colours?

Re: PM Notify & Guest Register bar

Posted: 13 Jun 2010, 22:20
by cisco007
please read the whole topic, this has been asked a few times already!

Re: PM Notify & Guest Register bar

Posted: 14 Jun 2010, 06:25
by Progress
when i done instuction for prosilver theme i have result like there Image

Re: PM Notify & Guest Register bar

Posted: 14 Jun 2010, 07:13
by Stoker
Ye, that is what is available.
You have to do any tweaking yourself.

Re: PM Notify & Guest Register bar

Posted: 17 Jun 2010, 14:11
by Progress

Code: Select all

 #infobar a, #infobar a:link, #infobar a:visited, #infobar a:active
    display: block;
	background-image: url(images/transhover.png);
    opacity: 0.3;
    float: left;
    clear: both;
    color: #d50000;
    padding: .55em 0 .55em 0;
    border-bottom: .25em solid #7F8D03;
    text-align: center;
    text-decoration: none;
    background-color :#E5E5E5;


  #infobar a:hover
  	background-image: url(images/transhover.png);
    color: black;
opacity: 1;
   border-bottom: .25em solid #7F8D03;
    cursor: pointer;
Maby you can little help?
I do not understand how to make a transparent code