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Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 17:06
by Stoker
Its in the html edit.

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 18:04
by wagu
Great!!! :thumbsup: thanks one more time Stoker.

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 20:07
by Chalong
Today I installed this fine Mod and it works well.

But there is a question about the translation.
In german language "similar" means "ähnlich" which contains a special charakter. There is no other proper translation for me. "Gleichartige" is too long and sounds :mrgreen:
I think the usage of special charakters will cause an error to my site in viewtopic_body.html.
I wanna ask if it is possible to save the file as utf-8 without a bom or will there be another solution.
At the moment I soluted that by using the spelling "aehnlich" which hurts my eyes a bit. :?

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 20:26
by Inner Circle
What about "Verwandte Themen" ?

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 20:32
by Stoker
Or you can make some lang entries instead in the viewtopic.php lang file.

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 23:24
by Chalong
Inner Circle » 27 Mar 2010, 19:26 wrote:What about "Verwandte Themen" ?
Hello Inner Circle,

this sounds pretty good and I will use that. Thank you.
Das klingt gut und passt zum Mod. Ich danke dir.
Thanks Stoker but this is too comlicated regarding my skills. :oops:

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 28 Mar 2010, 00:06
by Stoker
First post updated.
Now there is made one edit to the language file too. Easier for translation.

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 28 Mar 2010, 00:14
by Chalong
Thank you Stoker.
So I have to correct my translaton ?

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 28 Mar 2010, 00:16
by Stoker
Thats up to you ;)
The language is now in language/en/viewtopic.php so you can change it there if you like.

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 28 Mar 2010, 00:33
by cisco007
My spanish translation!

Open language/es/viewtopic.php

Code: Select all


Before add:

Code: Select all

// BEGIN Similar Mod
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
    'SIM_TOP'         => 'Temas Similares',
    'SIM_REP'         => 'Respuestas',
    'SIM_VIEWS'         => 'Visto',
    'SIM_AUTH'         => 'Autor',
    'SIM_PIF'         => 'Escrito en el foro:',
    'SIM_PBY'         => 'Escrito por:',
 // END Similar Mod