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Re: zoom image bbcode!

Posted: 26 Mar 2010, 22:28
by Chalong
So maybe I misunderstood your instruction.
whatever, it's zooming now. :shock:

Re: zoom image bbcode!

Posted: 26 Mar 2010, 22:29
by cisco007
well at least you got it working!

[edit]you are right it is not working, the link got broken it worked last night!

First post updated with archived file![/edit]

Re: zoom image bbcode!

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 00:38
by Chalong
Now when everything is working out fine I got another idea.

What about the mouse curser not be displayed in the middle of the zoom area but at the edge ?
and what about a circle zoom area like a reading-glass (german: Lupe), something like a fisheye effect ?

Re: zoom image bbcode!

Posted: 27 Mar 2010, 02:13
by cisco007
i just made this simply from the js in that site i do not know javascript, what you can do is open up the js file or look in the documentation see if you can do it! I myself don't know!

Re: zoom image bbcode!

Posted: 22 Apr 2010, 11:19
by Chalong
Stoni posted the solution for the hidden mouse cursor. ;)

Open ddpowerzoomer.js


Code: Select all

var $magnifier=$('<div style="position:absolute;width:100px;height:100px;display:none;overflow:hidden;border:1px solid black;" />')
Replace with

Code: Select all

var $magnifier=$('<div style="position:absolute;width:100px;height:100px;display:none;overflow:hidden;border:1px solid black; cursor:none;" />')

Re: zoom image bbcode!

Posted: 22 Apr 2010, 18:39
by cisco007
thanks! I was going to remove it, but somehow i didn't like it without the mouse cursor! but great fix for anyone who wants to take it out!