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Re: Social Networking Site Buttons problems

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 14:18
by heredia21
Yes i used automod then i edited all the files. All the files showed a success except viewtopic_body.html but it looks right. And I did refresh templates and themes.

Re: Social Networking Site Buttons problems

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 14:58
by Steve
heredia21 ยป 09 Apr 2010, 14:18 wrote:Yes i used automod then i edited all the files. All the files showed a success except viewtopic_body.html but it looks right. And I did refresh templates and themes.
So where we @ is it working or do you still have an error, you didnt say. ?

Re: Social Networking Site Buttons problems

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 15:09
by heredia21
I posted the png's. Everytime I try to edit my profile lets say twitter i get a error screen message - that null msg,that i posted in the previous screen. Also when I do automod everything is a success except viewtopic_body.html. But I did a force install. How can I make this thing work?

Re: Social Networking Site Buttons problems

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 16:03
by cisco007
I am still not getting you, so did you manually fix the file edit to the viewtopic_body.html that automod missed? And did you run this file like you were told to!?

Run install_social_networking_site_buttons.php

Re: Social Networking Site Buttons problems

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 16:09
by heredia21
I just ran it and now it works. Thanks a lot !!. Now do I delete that file?

Re: Social Networking Site Buttons problems

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 16:17
by cisco007
yes, that was what i posted on this post, which i think you did not read!