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Re: Index SEO

Posted: 23 May 2010, 16:41
by Mario14125
Help someone :?:

Re: Index SEO

Posted: 23 May 2010, 18:01
by Stoker

Code: Select all

						'seo_desc'         => array('lang' => 'SEO_DESC_WORDS',        'validate' => 'string', 'type' => 'text:40:255', 'explain' => false),
						'seo_key'         => array('lang' => 'SEO_KEY_WORDS',        'validate' => 'string', 'type' => 'text:40:255', 'explain' => true),
Try changing the number 255

Re: Index SEO

Posted: 23 May 2010, 19:06
by Mario14125
Stoker, I did so and left me this message:


Podana wartość ustawienia „[SEO] Słowa kluczowe forum” jest zbyt długa. Maksymalna dozwolona długość to 255.

The specified settings "[SEO] Keywords Forum" is too big. Maximum permitted length of the 255th
Now what?

Re: Index SEO

Posted: 23 May 2010, 19:38
by Stoker
Thats because it is stored in the config table which is limited to 255 chars.
It makes no sense to use more that 255 chars in the description meta tag anyway.

Re: Index SEO

Posted: 24 May 2010, 12:13
by Mario14125
And as I like, I have 999 generates meta tags and I want them all for better indexing, what now?

Re: Index SEO

Posted: 24 May 2010, 12:53
by Stoker
Well, you could create a new table and store the data there.
Or just google SEO and metatags. Then you would find out that using a longer description wouldnt give better indexing.

Re: Index SEO

Posted: 11 Jun 2010, 21:03
by testas123
can it conflict with forum seo mod ?


Re: Index SEO

Posted: 11 Jun 2010, 21:08
by Stoker
No conflicts :)
Just make sure you use newest version.

Re: Index SEO

Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 11:11
by Blackwolf_Oz
Sorry if I am asking this in the wrong area but as I use CA Black in my forum, will I be able to use this or do I need to do some tweaking ? :?

Re: Index SEO

Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 11:37
by Steve
Sure just make sure you do the template from the install instruction to your style and what your style is based on either prosilver or subsilver2 based.