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Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 14 Jun 2010, 14:49
by Blizzie
the [hsimg2=][/hsimg2] is for
[picture] [picture]

so could you please help me with the bbcodes for the [picture] [picture] one ? "[hsimg2=][/hsimg2]"

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 14 Jun 2010, 15:06
by Stoker

Code: Select all

<a href="{URL}" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { wrapperClassName: 'controls-in-heading', slideshowGroup: 'highslide' })"><img src="{URL}" alt="" title="Click to enlarge" style="max-width:300px; max-height:300px;" /></a><div class="highslide-heading"></div>

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 10:38
by Usagi
I have installed Gallery and virtual gallery. I added highslide-4.1.8 to those. I then installed your mod, highslide-4.1.8 for attachments. I changed it to point to the /gallery/plugins folder , rather than /root/highslide.

I see three problems:

First, some images simply appear on the page rather than be thumbnailed. (image006.jpg and image016.jpg)

I added the bbcode shown in this thread to be able to display side-by-side images. I cannot get that to work. I think that I may not be entering the right code for the [hsimg2=][/hsimg2] Could you provide an example, please?

Also each time one opens an image there is a control at the top left of the html page. With every successive image opened, another control appears below the first until there are several.

Here's a page that shows these problems: ... ?f=19&t=12

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 15:45
by Stoker
There seems to be some network problems that makes it impossible for me to visit your website.

Uninstall the Highslide Attachment Mod.
There is an addon for the Gallery that will do the same, with no conflicts.

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 09:22
by Usagi
I deleted the entire board and started over (there were other problems also)
This time no NV Gallery.

I would like to be able to make a post and upload multiple image attachments, as many as 50. Then have the thumbnails fill the page, left to right, top to bottom.

Here's what I have:

It seems to me that this code:

Code: Select all

should produce a 2x2 square of images. Instead it shows a left-justified column.

Is there some way this can be done? Some modification to the code that displays the attachments? I tried the [hsimg2=][/hsimg2] code with no luck.


Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 10:13
by Stoker
Sure, it can be done like this:

Open bbcode.html

Code: Select all

<!-- BEGIN inline_attachment_open --><div class="inline-attachment"><!-- END inline_attachment_open -->

<!-- BEGIN inline_attachment_close --></div><!-- END inline_attachment_close -->
Replace with:

Code: Select all

<!-- BEGIN inline_attachment_open --><!-- END inline_attachment_open -->

<!-- BEGIN inline_attachment_close --><!-- END inline_attachment_close -->
Open attachment.html

Code: Select all

<!-- IF _file.S_THUMBNAIL -->
		<div class="highslide-gallery">
			<a href="{_file.U_DOWNLOAD_LINK}/{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { wrapperClassName: 'controls-in-heading', slideshowGroup: 'highslide' })"><img src="{_file.THUMB_IMAGE}" alt="{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" title="{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME} ({_file.FILESIZE} {_file.SIZE_LANG}) {_file.L_DOWNLOAD_COUNT}" /></a>
			<div class="highslide-heading"></div>
			<!-- IF _file.COMMENT --><br /> {_file.COMMENT}<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
Replace with:

Code: Select all

<!-- IF _file.S_THUMBNAIL -->
			<a href="{_file.U_DOWNLOAD_LINK}/{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { wrapperClassName: 'controls-in-heading', slideshowGroup: 'highslide' })"><img src="{_file.THUMB_IMAGE}" alt="{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" title="{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME} ({_file.FILESIZE} {_file.SIZE_LANG}) {_file.L_DOWNLOAD_COUNT}" /></a>
			<div class="highslide-heading"></div>
			<!-- IF _file.COMMENT --><br /> {_file.COMMENT}<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
Save, upload both files and refresh the template.

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 14:36
by Usagi
That is GREAT !! It works perfectly.

May I ask if you would know how to do the very same thing if the attachments are in the bottom attachment box and not inline? Also I noticed that if I add a comment to the file it doesn't appear directly below the comment. Would you know how to fix that? I think it's also possible to make the comment appear on the thumbnail.

Thanks. This makes it possible to make a post as a gallery without installing a complex gallery mod. I see it also makes it possible to add an image in the middle of a line. That can be used to illustrate the text.

This may be a small change (mod) but I suspect a lot of people would be happy to see this.


Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 17:49
by Stoker
You can use this in attachment.html:

Code: Select all

<a href="{_file.U_DOWNLOAD_LINK}/{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { wrapperClassName: 'controls-in-heading', slideshowGroup: 'highslide', captionText: '({_file.FILESIZE} {_file.SIZE_LANG}) {_file.L_DOWNLOAD_COUNT}<!-- IF _file.COMMENT --><br /> {_file.COMMENT}<!-- ENDIF -->' })"><img class="lazy" src="{_file.THUMB_IMAGE}" alt="{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" title="{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME} ({_file.FILESIZE} {_file.SIZE_LANG}) {_file.L_DOWNLOAD_COUNT}" style="display:inline;" /></a>

			<div class="highslide-heading">{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME} </div>

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 08:08
by Usagi
Thanks, That takes care of comments both in inline attachments and in attachments in a box at the bottom

I did find this to deal with the regular attachments the attachment box so attachments appear horizontally:
From here: ... &t=1929915

open styles/prosilver/theme/content.css

Code: Select all

.attachbox {
	float: left;
	width: auto; 
	margin: 5px 5px 5px 0;
	padding: 6px;
	background-color: #FFFFFF;
	border: 1px dashed #d8d8d8;
	clear: left;

Code: Select all

	width: auto;

Code: Select all

	width: 100%;
Delete (In the above reference they missed this one)

Code: Select all

	clear: left;

Code: Select all

.attachbox dd {
	margin-top: 4px;
	padding-top: 4px;
	clear: left;
	border-top: 1px solid #d8d8d8;

Code: Select all

.attachbox dd {

Code: Select all

.attachbox dd {
	float: left; 


Code: Select all

	clear: left;
There are more suggestions at the above site to format the attachment box thumbs.


Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 20:05
by gralfitox
Stoker » 04 Mar 2010, 13:42 wrote: Q - How do I get Lightbox effect with Highslide?
A - Open styles/yourstyle/template/overall_header. html and find:

Code: Select all

//hs.dimmingOpacity = 0.75;
Replace with:

Code: Select all

hs.dimmingOpacity = 0.75;
I can´t find this sentence in my overall_header.html