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PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 22:22
by martin123456
Nully wrote:I'll put it online now, so you can have a look...
If its the link in your profile then its working but i get a flash in french and then a flash in british buts thats my browser :D

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 22:28
by Nully
Yes it is the link in my profile. What flash are you getting?
I don't have any flash with Firefox, Chrome, Opera... :mrgreen: :?:

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 22:33
by martin123456
your counter shows as french but as the seconds change it shows english but thats my browser as it's set to change all pages to english.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 22:35
by Nully
I don't understand. You have a browser changing the language?
I can translate for you, no need of browser :o
Please tell me if I have to delete or add some jquery or something else. :)

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 22:48
by Nully
I have to leave you and to go to my bed :)
I'll leave my countdown on line until tomorrow morning. Have a nice night and happy easter.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 07:24
by Stoker
Nully wrote:I have to leave you and to go to my bed :)
I'll leave my countdown on line until tomorrow morning. Have a nice night and happy easter.
The countdown on your site seems to work perfect.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 07:48
by Nully
Good morning :D
Fine. Thanks Stoker.
So, it works ok after having deleted jquery-1.7.min.js from overall_header.

In the script's folder I have :

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 14:22
by martin123456
you can leave them in there if you want it won't hurt have a look at my script folder i have lots and i'm not using most of them.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 14:40
by Nully
What about users having desactivated javascript ?

The difference between you and me is that you know what these scripts are useful for. I know nothing :!:
For example you said to replace the jquery-1.7.min.js by jquery 1.3, I did not (without knowing why).

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 06 May 2012, 08:18
by Nully
is it possible to desactivate minutes and seconds?