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PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 13 May 2012, 11:44
by Nully
Save files, upload all files and run the installer
Is it necessary to run the installer ?
Is it'nt it enough just to modify and upload the files ?

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 13 May 2012, 13:44
by Stoker
Do I use to lie to you guys Nully? :D

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 13 May 2012, 15:43
by kevinviet
Hello Stoker

Can you please check this code? I think there might be something wrong in it. Because when I use it, it doesn't display the time right its display this %

This code is original from the install .xml

Code: Select all

htmlTemplate: "<span class='cd-time'>{COUNTDOWN_TEXT}</span><!-- IF COUNTDOWN_YEAR and COUNTDOWN_MONTH --> %y <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_COUNT_YEARS}</span><!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF COUNTDOWN_YEAR or COUNTDOWN_MONTH --> %m <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_COUNT_MONTHS}</span><!-- ENDIF -->  %d <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_DAYS}</span> %h <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_HOURS}</span> %i <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_MINUTES}</span> %s <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_SECONDS}</span>",
		direction: "<!-- IF COUNTDOWN_DIRECTION -->down<!-- ELSE -->up<!-- ENDIF -->"
If I replaced the code above with the old code from version 1.0.0 then the time is display right.

Code: Select all

htmlTemplate: "<span class='cd-time'>{COUNTDOWN_TEXT}</span>  %{d} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_DAYS}</span> %{h} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_HOURS}</span> %{m} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_MINUTES}</span> %{s} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_SECONDS}</span>",
		direction: "<!-- IF COUNTDOWN_DIRECTION -->down<!-- ELSE -->up<!-- ENDIF -->"
Well, but the old code, there is no display countdown year or month

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 13 May 2012, 17:19
by martin123456
Thanx it installs and works perfect.

Note if you use auto mod some edits get missed ;) so just take 5 and recheck

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 13 May 2012, 18:40
by mikef35
I am also having trouble, the timezone option does not seem to work. It should display the same countdown to all no matter what timezone you are in, if it is enabled. When I enabled the timezone users still see different times according to what time zone they are in.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 13 May 2012, 19:40
by Nully
Stoker wrote:Do I use to lie to you guys Nully? :D
No, no. Never :D
But I need strong and repeated instructions for my (stupid) mind. :lol:

I will update next week, after my countdown online will end.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 13 May 2012, 20:07
by Stoker
kevinviet wrote:Hello Stoker

Can you please check this code? I think there might be something wrong in it. Because when I use it, it doesn't display the time right its display this %

This code is original from the install .xml

Code: Select all

htmlTemplate: "<span class='cd-time'>{COUNTDOWN_TEXT}</span><!-- IF COUNTDOWN_YEAR and COUNTDOWN_MONTH --> %y <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_COUNT_YEARS}</span><!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF COUNTDOWN_YEAR or COUNTDOWN_MONTH --> %m <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_COUNT_MONTHS}</span><!-- ENDIF -->  %d <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_DAYS}</span> %h <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_HOURS}</span> %i <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_MINUTES}</span> %s <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_SECONDS}</span>",
		direction: "<!-- IF COUNTDOWN_DIRECTION -->down<!-- ELSE -->up<!-- ENDIF -->"
If I replaced the code above with the old code from version 1.0.0 then the time is display right.

Code: Select all

htmlTemplate: "<span class='cd-time'>{COUNTDOWN_TEXT}</span>  %{d} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_DAYS}</span> %{h} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_HOURS}</span> %{m} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_MINUTES}</span> %{s} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_SECONDS}</span>",
		direction: "<!-- IF COUNTDOWN_DIRECTION -->down<!-- ELSE -->up<!-- ENDIF -->"
Well, but the old code, there is no display countdown year or month
You might have forgotten to uploaded the new included js countdown file.

mikef35 wrote:I am also having trouble, the timezone option does not seem to work. It should display the same countdown to all no matter what timezone you are in, if it is enabled. When I enabled the timezone users still see different times according to what time zone they are in.
mikef35 wrote:I am also having trouble, the timezone option does not seem to work. It should display the same countdown to all no matter what timezone you are in, if it is enabled. When I enabled the timezone users still see different times according to what time zone they are in.
Weird, check your edits. Or as usual, post a link so I can have a look.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 14 May 2012, 18:11
by mikef35
Got I figured out, I did not update the js script.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 21 May 2012, 09:42
by Nully
I have some troubles.
I edited the files to add the modification for last version 1.0.2.
I replaced jquery.min.js and jquery.jcountdown.min.js

Then, you said to run the install file, so I did.
1) I had the errors :

Code: Select all

ERREUR : la variable de configuration countdown_testmode existe déjà. (already exist)
ERREUR : la variable de configuration countdown_offset_enable existe déjà.
ERREUR : la variable de configuration countdown_offset existe déjà
On the last line it was written SUCCESS.

2) Question: in the ACP, in front of COUNTDOWN_OFFSET:, what do I have to write?

This is on localhost.

I noticed that on overall_header I had:

Code: Select all

<script src="{ROOT_PATH}script/jquery.jcountdown1.3.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
instead of jquery.jcountdown.min.js.
May be this was the cause of the error.
If so, please just tell me what to write in front of countdown_offset (sorry I do not understand what it means) :)

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 21 May 2012, 10:19
by Stoker
1. Doesnt matter.
2. Yes, I forgot to write that in the instructions. Must be: jquery.jcountdown.min.js