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text change

Posted: 05 Sep 2011, 22:39
by Terr0r
I have answer that question Yes I format language/en/mod/donate.php?

text change

Posted: 06 Sep 2011, 07:10
by Stoker
Its not a yes or no question.
Is it UTF8 without BOM?

text change

Posted: 06 Sep 2011, 13:46
by Terr0r
If I set the php file language/en/mod/donate.php? on UTF8 without BOM then get I the error from a few post ago back

text change

Posted: 06 Sep 2011, 13:54
by juango
if it's saved as UTF8 without BOM you shouldn't have any errors unless you messed with the file in which case check to make sure you don't have a space before the beginning! <?php and after the ending ?>
that is all i can think of!

text change

Posted: 06 Sep 2011, 20:12
by Terr0r
juango wrote: if it's saved as UTF8 without BOM
Yes it is saved as UTF8 without BOM
juango wrote: <?php ?>
I have looking for that that is okay there are no spaces in that part of code

text change

Posted: 18 Sep 2011, 01:36
by mcwxxx
I've got the same issue as the topic starter. I've looked over the file, and it shows what its suppoed to, but I something wierd like below.

Here's the file for the mod w/ all the text in it:

Code: Select all

* donate.php [English]
* @package language
* @version $Id: donate.php,v 1.0.0 2011-05-25 10:04:45 Stoker Exp $
* @copyright (c) 2011 Stoker
* @license GNU Public License

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'DONATION_TITLE'				=> 'Donate',
	'DONATION_CANCELLED_TITLE'		=> 'Donation Cancelled',
	'DONATION_SUCCESSFULL_TITLE'	=> 'Donation Successfull',
	'DONATION_CONTACT_PAYPAL'       => 'Connecting to Paypal - Please Wait...',
	'DONATION_EMAIL'                => '',
	'DONATION_USD'                  => '$ USD',
	'DONATION_EUR'                  => '� EUR',
	'DONATION_GBP'                  => '� GBP',
	'DONATION_JPY'                  => '� JPY',
	'DONATION_AUD'                  => '$ AUD',
	'DONATION_CAD'                  => '$ CAD',
	'DONATION_HKD'                  => '$ HKD',

	'DONATION_TEXT'                	=> 'Your donations ensure that we can pay our hosting bills and are able to keep this site online.<br /><br />If you are able to donate more than $10 you will be added the <a style="color: rgb(51, 102, 0);" class="forumtitle" href="./memberlist.php?mode=group&g=10">Donators</a> group.',

	'DONATION_CANCELLED'            => 'It seems you have decided to cancel your donation.<br />Don\'t worry, it\'s ok - but do think about donating in the future - the more donations we get, the better we can make the site.<br />Thanks for checking out the site none the less.',
	'DONATION_SUCCESSFULL'          => 'Congratulations, you have successfully donated to us!<br /><br />Your donation, no matter how big or small, is very greatly appreciated and will go towards keeping the site online<br />Hopefully in the future, we can set up a rewards system for those who have donated.',


text change

Posted: 18 Sep 2011, 02:12
by martin123456
Shows good to me

text change

Posted: 18 Sep 2011, 08:46
by Stoker
Topic starter had several issues.
I asked him to redownload the mod and reinstall it.
I will ask you the same.

text change

Posted: 18 Sep 2011, 11:47
by Terr0r
I have do that stoker reinstall de MOD and install the MOD agian but noting change

text change

Posted: 18 Sep 2011, 11:57
by Stoker
I also told you to make sure that the language/en/mods/donate.php was utf8 without BOM.
Dont tell me that you have done this, because that is exactly what cause the error at your site.