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Like button doesn't function

Posted: 26 Nov 2011, 13:51
by newsbee
8-) Your suggestion reminds me of a post on Facebook, when one wrote, This or that died today, and friends started clicking on the "Like" button... Hilarious.

Like button doesn't function

Posted: 26 Nov 2011, 22:09
by Forever
The Like button seems to work 100% of the time on Insert image, YouTube and Vimeo but work 0% of the time on attachments.

Like button doesn't function

Posted: 11 Jan 2013, 08:03
by martin123456
newsbee wrote:I've upgraded to jQuery 1.7.1 - and now the pictures come with the text "undefined". Any idea how to remove it? And from what js file?

Old post i know but i only see the undefined when clicking images in mchat as i have it installed on it no undefined within the forum tho.