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[RC] Live Character Limit Counter

Posted: 31 Aug 2013, 22:48
by Solidjeuh
And if you have the profile guestbook mod installed: ... estbook_2/

Open overal_header.html
<!-- IF (SCRIPT_NAME == 'ucp' or SCRIPT_NAME == 'posting' or SCRIPT_NAME == 'viewtopic') -->

Replace with:
<!-- IF (SCRIPT_NAME == 'ucp' or SCRIPT_NAME == 'posting' or SCRIPT_NAME == 'viewtopic' or SCRIPT_NAME == 'memberlist') -->

[RC] Live Character Limit Counter

Posted: 31 Aug 2013, 23:05
by RMcGirr83

Code: Select all

<!-- IF (SCRIPT_NAME == 'ucp' or SCRIPT_NAME == 'posting' or SCRIPT_NAME == 'viewtopic')or SCRIPT_NAME == 'memberlist' -->
should be

Code: Select all

<!-- IF (SCRIPT_NAME == 'ucp' or SCRIPT_NAME == 'posting' or SCRIPT_NAME == 'viewtopic' or SCRIPT_NAME == 'memberlist') -->

[RC] Live Character Limit Counter

Posted: 31 Aug 2013, 23:13
by Solidjeuh
Yes, you are right. I made that mistake at first, And copied the one with that mistake lol
(but it also works)
Thank you! Edited my post :)