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[DEV] Top Attachments

Posted: 15 Sep 2014, 10:05
by all4phone
Nice update because of
all4phone wrote:new:
- added ACP control attachments extension
martin123456 wrote:This part breaks W3C
? ;)

Anyway, thanks for reporting, thanks to you MOD gets better :)
New valid code will be added to the new version.

[DEV] Top Attachments

Posted: 15 Sep 2014, 10:17
by martin123456
Mainly just the copy right section to me it looks valid when going through the file but W3C say no ... 2Fservices

[DEV] Top Attachments

Posted: 15 Sep 2014, 11:45
by martin123456
I'm using it like this it seems better ;) but hey your mod


Code: Select all

// Top Attachments -------------------------------
		//'TOPA_UINF'		=> $user->lang('TOPA_UINF_MOD', $topa_version . ' &copy; <a href="">phpBBMods</a>'),
		'TOPA_UINF'		=> $user->lang(' &copy; <a href="" onclick="; return false;">phpBBMods</a>'),
// Top Attachments -------------------------------
And attachments body

Code: Select all

<dt class="topa_head_1">{NUMBER_OF_ATTACH}&nbsp;{L_TOPA_MOST} &nbsp; {TOPA_UINF}</dt>

[DEV] Top Attachments

Posted: 15 Sep 2014, 13:45
by all4phone
Mainly just the copy right section to me it looks valid when going through the file but W3C say no ... 2Fservices
W3C validator say no, becouse of mine crap host provider, I'm using free hosting. Or board was disabled temporarily when I update the mod.
martin123456 wrote:I'm using it like this it seems better
Nice :)

Sorry, I don't like copyright section in the header bar (forabg bar), therefore I made it in the bottom hover bar.
Besides, I placed there also important credit :) .

Anyhow big thanks Martin, I removed the problematic div's from attachments.html file and fix css file. Seems to be ok now.


Forst post updated to v 0.1.4

- fixed template and theme files
- new features planned (for details see first post please)

[DEV] Top Attachments

Posted: 15 Sep 2014, 14:52
by martin123456
Works perfect ty oh and go hover over mine lol

[DEV] Top Attachments

Posted: 16 Sep 2014, 18:46
by all4phone
First post updated to v 0.1.5

- added ACP control various types of attachments extension

new download
new screenshots

Note: to install v 0.1.5 you should uninstall older version, no update available !

[DEV] Top Attachments

Posted: 16 Sep 2014, 21:34
by martin123456
With debug on your get this

[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/acp/acp_topa.php on line 47: Undefined index: topa_index_enable

when you try to enable to mod with debug off it's all good.

EDIT loaded a fresh install of phpbb so nice clean files and get an error on submit

video of error

[DEV] Top Attachments

Posted: 17 Sep 2014, 03:20
by all4phone
Yes Martin, my bad.
Sorry, I forgot add one new config entry to install_topa.php file.
Thank you very much for your help ;)

Quick Fix:
to get rid of the bug should be added new row (in the config table) named: topa_index_enable with value 1 or 0.


First post updated to v 0.1.6

- install file bug fixed

new download

[DEV] Top Attachments

Posted: 17 Sep 2014, 22:15
by all4phone
First post updated to v 0.2.0

- Top Attachments displays table in each forums (almost complete control ACP)

new download
new screenshots

[DEV] Top Attachments

Posted: 17 Sep 2014, 22:52
by martin123456
Afew en langs missing also version number maybe ?