Simple Portal

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Re: Simple Portal

Post by cyber »

just so other members also know.
i added M-chat today. to the portal in a easy way.

open portal.php


Code: Select all

// BEGIN Welcome Mod
add befor:

Code: Select all

// BEGIN mChat Mod
if(!defined('MCHAT_INCLUDE') && $config['mchat_on_index'] && $config['mchat_enable'] && $auth->acl_get('u_mchat_view'))
	define('MCHAT_INCLUDE', true);
	$mchat_include_index = true;
// END mChat Mod

open portal style template


Code: Select all

<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->

Code: Select all

add after:

Code: Select all

<!-- IF S_MCHAT_ENABLE and S_MCHAT_ON_INDEX and S_MCHAT_LOCATION --><!-- INCLUDE mchat_body.html --><!-- ENDIF -->


Code: Select all

<!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html -->

Code: Select all

add befor:

Code: Select all

<!-- IF S_MCHAT_ENABLE and S_MCHAT_ON_INDEX and not S_MCHAT_LOCATION --><!-- INCLUDE mchat_body.html --><!-- ENDIF -->
save done. :thumb:

you must have the m-chat mod installed.
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Re: Simple Portal

Post by Danny Wood »

Hi, i would just like to say that i think this site is awesome. Some of the mods are amazing!

I have just installed this simple portal and it looks great, i just have a few questions that i hope you could please help with.

Firstly: Is it possible to to add links and images into the main welcome box? if so how could i do this.

And finaly: at present when i go to my site it takes me to the forum, how do i change it so my main address takes me to the portal page ''portal.php''

Any help would be very apprecaited.

Thank you very much
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Re: Simple Portal

Post by Stoker »

You need to have this at the very first line of your .htaccess file:

Code: Select all

DirectoryIndex portal.php index.php
So it will look something like this:

Code: Select all

DirectoryIndex portal.php index.php
# Uncomment the statement below if you want to make use of
# HTTP authentication and it does not already work.
# This could be required if you are for example using PHP via Apache CGI.
#<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
#RewriteEngine on
#RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

<Files "config.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All

<Files "common.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All
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Re: Simple Portal

Post by Danny Wood »

Dosnt seem to work, ive edited the original as you said and it currently looks like this

Code: Select all

DirectoryIndex portal.php index.php
# Uncomment the statement below if you want to make use of
# HTTP authentication and it does not already work.
# This could be required if you are for example using PHP via Apache CGI.
#<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
#RewriteEngine on
#RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

<Files "config.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All

<Files "common.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on

Rewriterule ^blog/(.+)/(.+).html$		./blog/view/blog.php?page=$1&mode=$2 [NC]
Rewriterule ^blog/(.+).html$			./blog/blog.php?page=$1 [NC]
Rewriterule ^blog/(.+)/$				./blog/view/blog.php?page=$1 [NC]
Rewriterule ^blog/$						./blog/blog.php [NC]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
Rewriterule ^blog/(.+)/(.+)$		./blog/view/blog.php?page=$1&mode=$2 [NC]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^blog/(.+)$ ./blog/blog.php?page=$1 [NC]
Ive replaced the original with this, i have also made sure the site was purged. Somone has told me it may be because my host server is windows and this htaccess edit wont work, is that true?

Thank you
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Re: Simple Portal

Post by Stoker »

Yes, that is true.
You can do it on a windows server too, i just dont know how.
Try ask your host about it.
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Re: Simple Portal

Post by Danny Wood »

Ok, thank you very much for the support. And again, the simple portal is great :-)
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Dutch Translation Simple Portal

Post by pat »

Here is the Dutch translation ;)


Code: Select all

* @package Portal page English language
* @version 1.0.0 of 15.05.2009
* @copyright (c) By Stoker ~
* @license GNU Public License

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
  $lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine

// Portal page
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
   'PORTAL_HEADLINE'            => 'Portaal',
   'START_DATE'                    => 'Forum start datum',
   'PORTAL_REMEMBER'            => 'Onthoud mij',
   'PORTAL_WELCOME'                => 'Welkom bij',
   'PORTAL_MANAGEMENT'            => 'Het Management',
   'PORTALAFF'                    => 'Vrienden en Adverteerders',
   'PORTAL_USERMENU'            => 'Gebruikers Menu',
   'PORTAL_WELCOME_CONTENT'        => 'Dit Forum is speciaal ontworpen voor iedere pc gebruiker,<br />maar vooral om mensen die in de beginfase van pc zitten.<br /><br />Er zal van alles te vinden zijn<br />Verder wensen we jullie met zijn allen veel Forum plezier<br />',

// Top Five by Richard McGirr
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
    'TOP_FIVE_ACTIVE'    => 'Top Posters',
    'TOP_FIVE_NEWEST'    => 'Nieuwste Lid',

// Activity Stats by Highway of Life
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
    'USERS_24HOUR_TOTAL'    => '<strong>%d</strong> Leden die actief waren over de afgelopen 24 uren',
    '24HOUR_TOPICS'            => 'Nieuwe Onderwerpen <strong>%d</strong>',
    '24HOUR_POSTS'            => 'Nieuwe Berichten <strong>%d</strong>',
    '24HOUR_USERS'            => 'Nieuwe leden <strong>%d</strong>',
    '24HOUR_STATS'            => 'Activiteit over de laatste 24 uur',

// Welcome Mod by Richard McGirr
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
    'UP_LATE'    => 'Je bent laat op %1$s, Zou je niet gaan slapen?',
    'UP_EARLY'    => 'Goede morgen %1$s, Je bent vroeg op vandaag',
    'GOOD_MORNING'        => 'Goedemorgen %1$s, Wat is het een heerlijke morgen',
    'GOOD_AFTERNOON'    => 'Goedemiddag %1$s, Je bent eindelijk hier',
    'GOOD_EVENING'        => 'Goeie avond %1$s, Fijn dat je er bent',
    'WELCOME_GUEST'        => 'Gast',

// Statistics
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
    'POSTS_PER_DAY_OTHER'    => 'Berichten per dag <strong>%.2f</strong>',
    'POSTS_PER_DAY_ZERO'    => 'Berichten per dag <strong>Geen</strong>',
    'POSTS_PER_TOPIC_OTHER'    => 'Berichten per onderwerp <strong>%.2f</strong>',
    'POSTS_PER_YEAR_OTHER'    => 'Berichten per jaar <strong>%s</strong>',
    'POSTS_PER_YEAR_ZERO'    => 'Berichten per jaar <strong>Geen</strong>',
    'POSTS_PER_TOPIC_ZERO'    => 'Berichten per topic <strong>Geen</strong>',
    'POSTS_PER_USER_OTHER'    => 'Berichten per member <strong>%.2f</strong>',
    'POSTS_PER_USER_ZERO'    => 'Berichten per member <strong>Geen</strong>',
    'TOPICS_PER_DAY_OTHER'    => 'Onderwerpen per day <strong>%.2f</strong>',
    'TOPICS_PER_DAY_ZERO'    => 'Onderwerpen per day <strong>Geen</strong>',
    'TOPICS_PER_YEAR_OTHER'    => 'Onderwerpen per jaar <strong>%s</strong>',
    'TOPICS_PER_YEAR_ZERO'    => 'Onderwerpen per jaar <strong>Geen</strong>',
    'TOPICS_PER_USER_OTHER'    => 'Onderwerpen per member <strong>%.2f</strong>',
    'TOPICS_PER_USER_ZERO'    => 'Onderwerpen per member <strong>Geen</strong>',
    'USERS_PER_DAY_OTHER'    => 'Leden per dag <strong>%.2f</strong>',
    'USERS_PER_DAY_ZERO'    => 'Leden per dag <strong>Geen</strong>',
    'USERS_PER_YEAR_OTHER'    => 'Leden per jaar <strong>%s</strong>',
    'USERS_PER_YEAR_ZERO'    => 'Leden per jaar <strong>Geen</strong>',
    'TOTAL_POSTS_OTHER'        => 'Totaal Berichten <strong>%s</strong>',
    'TOTAL_POSTS_ZERO'        => 'Totaal Berichten <strong>0</strong>',
    'TOTAL_TOPICS_OTHER'    => 'Totaal Onderwerpen <strong>%s</strong>',
    'TOTAL_TOPICS_ZERO'        => 'Totaal Onderwerpen <strong>0</strong>',
    'TOTAL_USERS_OTHER'        => 'Totaal Leden <strong>%s</strong>',
    'TOTAL_USERS_ZERO'        => 'Totaal Leden <strong>0</strong>',
    'TOTAL_FILES_OTHER'        => 'Totaal attachments <strong>%s</strong>',
    'TOTAL_FILES_ZERO'        => 'Totaal attachments <strong>0</strong>',
    'FILES_PER_DAY_OTHER'    => 'Attachments per dag <strong>%.2f</strong>',
    'FILES_PER_DAY_ZERO'    => 'Attachments per dag <strong>Geen</strong>',
    'FILES_PER_YEAR_OTHER'    => 'Attachments per jaar <strong>%s</strong>',
    'FILES_PER_YEAR_ZERO'    => 'Attachments per jaar <strong>Geen</strong>',
    'FILES_PER_USER_OTHER'    => 'Attachments per Lid <strong>%.2f</strong>',
    'FILES_PER_USER_ZERO'    => 'Attachments per Lid <strong>Geen</strong>',

Searchterms: Nederland, portal dutch

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Re: Simple Portal

Post by neuropass »

love the portal... i wanted something light for my forum...

1 question. How do you add the recent topics in the portal? like here on bbcode portal?
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Re: Simple Portal

Post by Stoker »

At the moment I am using nickvergessens recent topics mod.
There is an addon that tells you have to get it on another page.
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Re: Simple Portal

Post by cisco007 »

the way i did mine was with like Stoker said use nickvergessens mod, and instead of doing the edits to the index.php and index_body.html do the edits to the portal.php and to the simpleportal_body.html! and it should work!