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PhpBB Countdown MOD

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 23:53
by T-Bone
Using autoMOD I installed v 2.0.2 MOD on v 3.0.12 forum and am getting no countdown anywhere on page.

I made manual updates, that I found somewhere on this site, to 4 files and was initially getting an error message there was no count_down.html file. I checked and none was there. I found that HTML file in an earlier version of the countdown MOD. Not sure I did / didn't do the correct thing, but with that file installed I still get no countdown timer showing on the page.

Any suggestions where to start making changes to find what's going on wrong?


PhpBB Countdown MOD

Posted: 27 Mar 2014, 01:22
by martin123456
Whats your site link so we can see chances are you dont have all the files from the download as most are corrupt at the moment but i have a few of them.

PhpBB Countdown MOD

Posted: 27 Mar 2014, 04:02
by T-Bone

Thanks for quick response and interest in resolving. I'm unable to provide direct link for some reason so I'll provide a little less it at:




PhpBB Countdown MOD

Posted: 27 Mar 2014, 06:26
by Stoker
Refresh templates and enable the mod in ACP.

PhpBB Countdown MOD

Posted: 27 Mar 2014, 14:25
by martin123456
You dont have any of the edits in prosilver overallheader file ;)

link i checked

PhpBB Countdown MOD

Posted: 27 Mar 2014, 14:49
by T-Bone
The templates were refreshed and the MOD enabled.

overall_header.html file - added modification '<!-- INCLUDE count_down.html -->' to bottom of file, are there more mods to that file? If there are other mods to that file, I didn't find them when reviewing updates. Please direct me to URL with all modifications I need to make to files.

I replaced the Include call with the contents of the count_down.html file and now it shows up in the header IF I remove the IF and ENDIF statements on either side of that code, so for some reason the INCLUDE call is being ignored as well as the parameters feeding it. Not sure why...the count_down.html file I got was from the v1.0.2 countdown MOD, only place I could find that file. Is there a version of that file that is applicable to v2.0.2?

Martin123456 - you say some files in download may be corrupt / missing - where do I get the correct / all of the files?


PhpBB Countdown MOD

Posted: 27 Mar 2014, 15:14
by Stoker
Thats not my mod you are talking about. I do not use this in my mod

Code: Select all

<!-- INCLUDE count_down.html -->
Download mine here: dm_eds/showcat.php?id=4

PhpBB Countdown MOD

Posted: 27 Mar 2014, 15:22
by T-Bone
That's the MOD I originally downloaded, then I found links to modifications to 4 files contained in the MOD. Maybe I got MODs confused...

Will download and reinstall your MOD, update the site and let you know the results.


PhpBB Countdown MOD

Posted: 27 Mar 2014, 21:27
by T-Bone
I uninstalled and reinstalled the MOD. I can now see the 'countdown' code and my config parameters in the index.php file on the web, but I still can't see the counter.

PhpBB Countdown MOD

Posted: 27 Mar 2014, 23:32
by martin123456
In the header file find

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript" src="{T_SUPER_TEMPLATE_PATH}/forum_fn.js"></script>
and add this after it on a new line

Code: Select all

<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>