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Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 14:31
by Fire-Fox
Take a look here : ... 8&p=36#p36

How can i get the images to behave the same?
(the image where stokers avatar is on, is not behaving the same as the rest)


my settings looks like this now

Code: Select all

		<!-- IF _file.S_THUMBNAIL -->
		<dl class="file">
			<a href="{_file.U_DOWNLOAD_LINK}/{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { wrapperClassName: 'controls-in-heading', slideshowGroup: 'highslide' })"><img src="{_file.THUMB_IMAGE}" alt="{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" title="{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME} ({_file.FILESIZE} {_file.SIZE_LANG}) {_file.L_DOWNLOAD_COUNT}" /></a>
		<!--	<div class="highslide-heading"></div> -->
		<div class="highslide-heading"></div>
			<!-- IF _file.COMMENT --><br />{_file.COMMENT}<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->

Code: Select all

<!-- IF _file.S_IMAGE -->
      <dl class="file">
         <a href="{_file.U_INLINE_LINK}/{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { wrapperClassName: 'controls-in-heading', slideshowGroup: 'highslide' })"><img src="{_file.U_INLINE_LINK}" style="max-width:400px;" alt="{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" title="{_file.DOWNLOAD_NAME} ({_file.FILESIZE} {_file.SIZE_LANG}) {_file.L_DOWNLOAD_COUNT}" /></a>
         <div class="highslide-heading"></div>
         <!-- IF _file.COMMENT --><dd><em>{_file.COMMENT}</em></dd><!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- ENDIF -->
What is wrong with that?
There is no control bar

Code: Select all

'img'           => '<a class="highslide" href="$1" onclick="return hs.expand(this)"><img src="$1" style="max-height:210px;" alt="' . $user->lang['IMAGE'] . '" /></a><div id="controlbar" class="highslide-overlay controlbar"><a href="#" class="previous" onclick="return hs.previous(this)" title="Previous"></a><a href="#" class="next" onclick="return" title="Next"></a><a href="#" class="highslide-move" onclick="return false" title="Move"></a><a href="#" class="close" onclick="return hs.close(this)" title="Close"></a></div>',
				'size'		=> '<span style="font-size: $1%; line-height: normal">$2</span>',

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 01:44
by Oliver
Does not work. I did all the installations. When you put a picture of the forum so when I press it so it open but in a new window. Does not change the color and nothing else.

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 08:09
by Fire-Fox
Behave yourself!!

This is not a sh*t mod, it WORKS very well i might ad. i really hate people talking bad about others script/mods. The reason why they do it is because they can't get it installed, because they DON'T follow a instruction as they should!

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 10:12
by Stoker
What was your question FF? Did you solve the problem?

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 11:25
by Fire-Fox
Can't get the control-in-heading to appear

in bbcode.php

Code: Select all

'img'           => '<a class="highslide" href="$1" onclick="return hs.expand(this)"><img src="$1" style="max-height:210px;" alt="' . $user->lang['IMAGE'] . '" /></a><div id="controlbar" class="highslide-overlay controlbar"><a href="#" class="previous" onclick="return hs.previous(this)" title="Previous"></a><a href="#" class="next" onclick="return" title="Next"></a><a href="#" class="highslide-move" onclick="return false" title="Move"></a><a href="#" class="close" onclick="return hs.close(this)" title="Close"></a></div>',
            'size'      => '<span style="font-size: $1%; line-height: normal">$2</span>',

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 13:08
by Stoker
Take a look in the install intructions and the edit of prosilver/template/attachment.html
Then you can see how it is done with attachments.

But I will warn you, what you are doing is affecting all images where the img bbcode is used.
Images with links in signatures will not work.

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 13:47
by Fire-Fox
Yes i noticed it will affect all image, thats why im not going any futher with this :D

im a right in it could be added to the [hsimg]? bbcode

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 20:23
by chris1002
Hello together,
I have a problem with the installation. Where must I the file " Highslide" copy? Into the root listing or where? I does not function myself that. I would like to have it as here in the first contribution. How do I make that, if more pictures is there?
Many thanks for your answers

Greeting Chris

Style: Acid Tech Tiger of basis from Subsilver

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 20:56
by Stoker
Copy to root whis is the forum folder, also contains config.php

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 21:09
by chris1002
thanks for the fast answer. I " now; Highslide" into the Root_Verzeichnis copied, the two files in the Style " Subsilver" changed. And how can I use now the super tools? Sorry, I is a beginner which sowas concerns.
Thanks for the assistance

Greeting Christian