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phpBB Pretty Sociable

Posted: 01 Sep 2012, 21:50
by mikef35
Well it works for me, the only thing I could tell you is make sure you have all the files in the right directories.

Edit, I just visited your site and it is trying to work, the pretty sociable js script is not being properly. Verify all files are uploaded to the right place.

The way the code is setup it will only effect the circled area. You will notice when you put your mouse of the link it is no longer a hand but a bullseye now. The code is placed properly but it seems your files are not.

And you also removed part of the prettysociable code.

phpBB Pretty Sociable

Posted: 02 Sep 2012, 18:05
by iamthestreets
I just want to say thanks again for the help. I only see the bullseye on IE. I also have verified my code and I uploaded the "script" folder to my root forum like it says on the first post. Should I put the code that's inside the script folder anywhere else? Also, keep in mind that I do no have this code added to the viewtopic_body.html file as you may already know i have added this to the overall_header.html file. Does that make any difference?

Code: Select all

<h2><!-- IF S_IS_BOT --><a href="{U_VIEW_TOPIC}">{TOPIC_TITLE}</a><!-- ELSE --><a href="#" rel="prettySociable;title: Drag to share:;excerpt:{TOPIC_TITLE}">{TOPIC_TITLE}</a><!-- ENDIF --></h2>

phpBB Pretty Sociable

Posted: 02 Sep 2012, 18:41
by mikef35
If you have all the files placed properly in your directory this code should would work. Copy it all and paste it over the code in your overall_header.html, I don't know what else to tell you because like I said before I have it working on my test site using this.

Code: Select all

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phpBB Pretty Sociable

Posted: 23 May 2013, 09:24
by matesy
Hey guys,

Im new here and have come across this mod

I have been looking for a social networking share topic mod like this for a while, my question is, how would i change it from dragging the topic name to share to adding a share button that can be clicked then the selected social network clicked from there?

any help would be greatly appreciated and im sure other users would also love that option.

phpBB Pretty Sociable

Posted: 26 May 2013, 04:05
by Ashley_X
wow great mod Slash, Stoker , I'm surprised nobody has said Awesome music or asked you what song that is lol ... i guess i will ask ... what song is in the video ? :D

phpBB Pretty Sociable

Posted: 26 May 2013, 18:38
by Tahoebuff
Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin

phpBB Pretty Sociable

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 13:50
by dmzx
i have the problem that the mod works only when iam not logged in into the forum.
when i login the drag disappears.

any ideas about this?


phpBB Pretty Sociable

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 18:43
by dmzx
found <script type="text/javascript" src="{ROOT_PATH}mchat/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script> to be the problem,when delete it starts to work.

is there a solution for this?

phpBB Pretty Sociable

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 19:19
by martin123456
Use another version of jquery

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript" src="{ROOT_PATH}script/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>
place script folder in root or use the mchat path.
(33.13 KiB) Downloaded 136 times

phpBB Pretty Sociable

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 20:41
by dmzx
yes started to work but... chat alert stop working