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Re: YouTube HighSlide BBCode

Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 21:11
by mut2nt
Do you have YouTube HighSlide without HighSlide Attachments mod ? :-S

Re: YouTube HighSlide BBCode

Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 21:41
by Stoker

Re: YouTube HighSlide BBCode

Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 23:21
by Oliver
Stoker ยป 25 Jun 2010, 21:31 wrote:Okay, I get you :)

Find this in the js file:

Code: Select all

preserveContent : true,
change it to:

Code: Select all

preserveContent : false,
Thank you Stoker :thumb:

Re: YouTube HighSlide BBCode

Posted: 29 Jun 2010, 21:42
by Gulf Knight
Somehow my video box go to the right side and my forum is in Arabic so I can see the video the first time but if I click on it the second time the box go to the far right of the screen and I can't see it any more. :? any help please?

this is a link to my test post: ... p=678#p678

Re: YouTube HighSlide BBCode

Posted: 29 Jun 2010, 22:01
by andredmau5
some fix? =(
i'd like that it appears like the demo.. center and with opacity :oops: