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Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Posted: 29 Apr 2010, 15:19
by heredia21
Worked. Thanks

Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Posted: 12 May 2010, 23:04
by heredia21
How can I get rid of side menu without having any effect to the board and for it to become centered like this one.

Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Posted: 12 May 2010, 23:27
by cisco007
well two things, if you have downloaded and installed the menu with the side menu and you do not have any mods added to this style, just download the original style in the first post and upload and replace all the files!

Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Posted: 12 May 2010, 23:28
by heredia21
Got it. Thanks

Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Posted: 09 Aug 2010, 14:22
by Steve
Style validated and released on
link :

Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Posted: 17 Aug 2010, 17:51
by heredia21
Would there be any way to put the users profile info on top of post rather than on the left side so the post size can be wider?

Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Posted: 19 Aug 2010, 21:25
by Steve
Hey sorry! can you explain a bit better please,

Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Posted: 19 Aug 2010, 21:32
by heredia21
Yeah sure.

Something like this would really be ideal.

All the phpbb styles ive seen have the user info either on the left or the right. Having it on top like the picture above would leave a lot more space for the post.

Would this be possible to do on this style?

Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Posted: 19 Aug 2010, 21:37
by Steve
I can try my best ,maybes we could move the posting/topic action buttons etc in there also ,give me some time i like the idea tho!

Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Posted: 19 Aug 2010, 21:39
by heredia21
It would definitely be super awesome and images can be bigger/wider post can also be. I feel the user info on the sides takes up a bunch of space having it horizontal would be neat and convenient. Sorry for posting both on phpbb and here.

Steve© » 19 Aug 2010, 21:37 wrote:I can try my best ,maybes we could move the posting/topic action buttons etc in there also ,give me some time i like the idea tho!

Not sure about the posting topic action buttons up there. I think they are better in the bottom right hand corner or where they are at now dont you think?

Something like this is neat