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PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 25 Feb 2012, 13:41
by Stoker
You need to give me a live example so I can check it.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 25 Feb 2012, 16:11
by mikef35
I am uploading a live test site now.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 25 Feb 2012, 17:07
by mikef35

I got it fixed, in your install.xml you have the scripts going to (rootpath/script), but in the code you have it trying to call it from (rootpath/js). So the code should read.

Code: Select all

<script src="{ROOT_PATH}script/jquery.jcountdown1.3.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

But it is not showing on all pages.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 25 Feb 2012, 18:05
by Stoker
Thanks, I will update that soon.

Cut out this line:

Code: Select all

<script src="{ROOT_PATH}script/jquery-1.7.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
and put it after:

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript" src="{T_SUPER_TEMPLATE_PATH}/forum_fn.js"></script>

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 25 Feb 2012, 18:09
by mikef35
did not work? Anything else

I am an idiot, I was uploading to my test directory.

Thanks Stoker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 26 Feb 2012, 15:28
by mikef35
Hey Stoker,
Is there a way I can set this up to show the same time for everybody. I want to use it to countdown board events. Right now differebt time zones show different times. I want tobe able to just tell the timer 6days 4hours and 20 mis---Go! and everybody see that same exact countdown. Is this possible?

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 26 Feb 2012, 15:34
by Stoker
Not with this script.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 26 Feb 2012, 17:04
by mikef35
How much would have to be changed? Is it possible to get you to do it?

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 26 Feb 2012, 17:22
by Stoker
You would need a new mod for this.
This one is not built for it, neither is the js used.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 26 Feb 2012, 17:24
by mikef35
Stoker wrote:You would need a new mod for this.
This one is not built for it, neither is the js used.
I sent you a PM about getting this done.