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Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 19 May 2010, 16:11
by dragoth
hey i was looking i want to added a background image instead of the solid blue

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 19 May 2010, 16:35
by Stoker
Open colours.css and find:

Code: Select all

background-color: #20354c;
add after:

Code: Select all

background-image: url("{T_THEME_PATH}/images/bg_image.gif");
and make sure you have an image named bg_image.gif in the theme images folder.

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 22 May 2010, 00:27
by predacon
very good style, prove it

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 24 May 2010, 01:16
by Kynetic
As this ?

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 24 May 2010, 05:17
by Stoker
Looks perfect. Just one thing, can I have red border when hover? :thumbsup:

Using SE Square Left Style Theme! MODS not Visible, Thank yo

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 18:54
by phptesters
I appreciate your themes stoker there awesome! Im starting my own forum with my domain and everything, its up and running on my very own personal server, only thing is right now Im testing a couple of Mods on a localhost computer! the mods im using are the ULTIMATE POINTS, DM EASY DOWNLOAD SYSTEM AND PHPBB ARCADE. I have now idea why this Mods refuse to appear when ever I want to use the SE Square Left Theme, or am I supposed to do some sort of code modification? Now if I switch the theme style to Prosilver every single mod I have works and is visible on the index home page, But when I switch back to SE Square Left every mode that was visible just disappears, Can you you please help me or is there some sort of Tutorial that I can read first? Thank you for your time I will wait for a reply.

Just installed the Quick Edit Mod! Doesnt work either with SE Square Left or at least I cant see its not visible until i change to prosilver theme!

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 19:13
by cisco007
that is because you also have to modify this still with the same edits you did to prosilver, otherwise none of the mods will appear!

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 19:22
by phptesters
Thanks for the quick reply I will get to that! Just another thing I used AutoMOD to install every MOD! Is there a tutorial or what files and how am i supposed modify them?

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 19:24
by cisco007
check out this link on all you need to know!


Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 09 Jun 2010, 18:06
by RssV
Hello there, Stoker! :)

First of all, I'd like to congratulate you for this theme. I'm currently using it at my forum:

Right now, I want to install a Portal system on my forum, using SE Square Left Theme. And I notice that the default "style" for Board3 Portal and phpBB3 Portal uses round corners and a lighter blue for the boxes. So I'm wondering, is it possible to use them with SE Square Left?

I see this page is currently using Simple Portal, which seems to be 100% compatible with the style.

Sorry if the question is too "noob". I'm struggling to learn how to work with phpBB, it's still a new thing to me.

Thanks in advance!