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Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 23 Apr 2010, 20:12
by cisco007
Stoker has this mod installed here, and the search function is working correctly here! You must have done something else wrong!

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 23 Apr 2010, 20:30
by Stoker
This mod only add code to viewtopic.php and does not touch the search function.
So your problem is not related to this mod.

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 23 Apr 2010, 20:36
by Chalong
Maybe you use too common words for your search as the message says.
Try a more specific one.

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 24 Apr 2010, 04:04
by Stark
Stoker ยป 23 Apr 2010, 20:30 wrote:This mod only add code to viewtopic.php and does not touch the search function.
So your problem is not related to this mod.
Yes your correct stoker. But all of sudden it stoped working so I thought of issue with this....

My search is working when I switched it to Fulltext mysql...

Can any let me know how to make it work on fulltext native.

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 24 Apr 2010, 06:34
by Stoker
Stark, as your problem is not relevant for this mod you need to open a topic in the support forum.
And read this as I believe it is a setting thing: ... ver_search

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 24 Apr 2010, 10:19
by neptune
top addon, very easy installation without any probs, thx stoker

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 19:30
by arrow816
My test board:

I tryed installing this and its not working. the similar topics wont show. up. I made a Modx File that I could run through Automod. and it went through with out any problems. But its not showing up. I also uninstalled i and then tryed doing the edits manually. and that didnt work either. Any ideas why its not working. I purged cache, and refreshed template. If you want the modx file here it is.
Steve C

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 21:12
by Stoker
Have you tried installing it on a board where there are more than 2 topics?
If there arent any similar topics nothing will be displayed.

My point is that you might need more than 100 topics before similar is displayed.
I have topics here where no similar is displayed simply because there is no similar topics.

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 01 May 2010, 10:36
by arrow816
No i have not tried that. I will make some test post and stuff, and see if it works. How does it decide if its a similar post, like text thats in it, or title name, or what?

Re: Similar Topics

Posted: 01 May 2010, 12:10
by Stoker
Its searches topic titles, as far as i know.