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Re: [3.0.7] SE Square

Posted: 02 Sep 2010, 20:58
by Steve
post in phpbb3 support forum i will show you there ;)

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square

Posted: 02 Sep 2010, 22:21
by Wipper179
I appear to have picked up a style error whilst i was editing the css and html files, would anyone know what i need to change to solve this problem:


Re: [3.0.7] SE Square

Posted: 02 Sep 2010, 22:26
by Steve
link to your site with the problem page? and i never told you to edit the html for the width,so tell me what you have done to the html other than the quick reply editor topic in phpbb3 support forum.

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 02 Sep 2010, 22:32
by Wipper179
ah, i appear to have solved it now, i had messed up the content.css file, i just re-uploaded the file and did the edits again, sorry for wasting your time :s

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 02 Sep 2010, 22:38
by Steve
glad you got it sorted.

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 04 Sep 2010, 12:02
by Wipper179
does anyone know how i would change the postreply, new topic, new pm, forward etc... button's on this theme, ive tried editing the buttons.css, changing the button's using imageset in the admin panel, still, each time i do anything, they stay the same! even if i delete the files for the button's off the server and upload new versions, for some reason, when i go to add the new version's in the imageset area of the style, they are back to the same look as the ones i've just deleted! Any answers?

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 04 Sep 2010, 12:19
by Steve
you edit the buttons throuhg your style/imageset/en/imageset.cfg
for eg find:

Code: Select all

img_button_topic_reply = button_topic_reply.gif*25*96
easier to remake the image then upload the new one also over writing the existing image.
you also dont do it through the admin control panel you need to file transfer to your server if you get stuck post in phpbb support forum.

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 04 Sep 2010, 17:57
by Wipper179
ok, i've been changing the edit, delete and report kind of button's, as well as the msn, aim, and pm kind of button's, i've overwrote the files for them, and gone into the imageset.cfg file, in which i changed the dimensions to match the new image dimensions of the button's, all going well, i purged the cache and then looked to see if it was ok, and it looks like this:
error cut.jpg
and this:
error 2.jpg
i thought i'd changed the dimensions already so that this wouldn't happen, but there still messed up even after manually editing the imageset.cfg file.


Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 04 Sep 2010, 19:16
by Steve
refresh your imageset
acp> styles > se quare left > imageset > refresh

Re: [3.0.7] SE Square Left

Posted: 04 Sep 2010, 20:33
by Wipper179
wow, it worked, it was that easy? well, thanks