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[DEV] jQ Who is where v.0.0.3

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 18:59
by Jessica
EDIT: never mind

[DEV] jQ Who is where v.0.0.3

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 19:03
by Jessica
Blackwolf wrote:Thanks for the update....appreciate it......still cant get the users off only showing on index though.

Guests show fine but not logged in users.


NXB02 (TESTER) showed on correct forum for 15 seconds then just went to index.
Come to think of it..I have this issue as well

[DEV] jQ Who is where v.0.0.3

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 19:42
by 4seven
This dont have to be removed, bcs. this is the way all developer should do. Only if jquery is not present, add it, otherwise not. The only reason can be a wired js-configuration with eg. multiple jquery's or version (what never should be). Each jQ mod should always work with the newest jquery min.. Otherwise its crap and should be removed or updated by author.

So first way > check via firebug for js errors, which have side-effects:
4seven wrote:A clean java environment without any mix of java librarys (moo, JQ, whatever) is an ideality and self-evident. I never use a mix. I can build all things with one lib and the best is jQuery. Also, if i can build a script in classic JS, i never use any library. Not each function needs jQ. Anyway. User would be thankfull, if you can share your solution. The false of inserting double, triple instances of jQ must be clear. If any way, the jQ addition should also work with latest_min and not for a designated version. Find a code or update for this ones and all live in peace.
I test the mod on multiple boards and different environments till it comes me out of my ears: zero defects or malfunction.

[DEV] jQ Who is where v.0.0.3

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 19:46
by Jessica
I believe I fixed it :S

[DEV] jQ Who is where v.0.0.3

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 19:47
by 4seven
Share it with the others. Fine, that it works 4 u..

[DEV] jQ Who is where v.0.0.3

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 20:55
by martin123456
Did you miss some thing out when updating to v3 ?

my test site
now me posting on your site
every thing else works ok

your site show as a user posting in the topic name

i can only show as posting in a forum name

hope that in understandable

config section is standard

Code: Select all

//--- CONFIG AREA -- 
	# show guests 
	//set false or true
	  $show_guests = true;

	# show topic name 
	//set false or true
	  $show_topics = true;

	# show forum name 
	# additional to topic name 
	# works only with $show_topics = false;
	//set false or true  
	  $show_forums = false;
	# show post name
	# cant be mixed with $show_forums = true; (check results)
	# you can mix it with $show_topics = true;* 
	#*(results are in "first come, first serve" mode)
	//set false or true 
	  $show_posts  = true;
	# Anonymize some citys (leave array emtpty, if you dont need it)
	# Otherwise use it this way: $ano_citys   = array('Paris', 'Hamburg', 'Köln')
	# The town will be overwritten with 'City' (language dependent)
	  $ano_citys   = array('Paris', 'Hamburg');
	  $ano_repla   = $user->lang['CITY'];
	# you can mix it with $show_topics = true;* 	 

	# reminder
	//think about sense and server load on all modes	
	//--- CONFIG AREA -- 

[DEV] jQ Who is where v.0.0.3

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 22:17
by 4seven
Hm, i made some test-installs yesterday with current package and dont register a false display.
Can i have a testuser on your board or better two, if guests dont have rights on viewonline?
Note: Dont forget to clear all caches and sessions in acp and all cookies and caches in browser after install.
PS: I dont see anything missing or difficult code to dev board. Have you any kind of seo installed?

[DEV] jQ Who is where v.0.0.3

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 23:05
by martin123456
pm sent on your site

[DEV] jQ Who is where v.0.0.3

Posted: 21 Feb 2013, 23:26
by 4seven
Think i found it and it should be the only single thing i dont have register (or checked).
All other modes works perfect: edit, quote, post (means > new topic).
Just reply dont work (unknown reason). Working on it ;)

[DEV] jQ Who is where v.0.0.3

Posted: 22 Feb 2013, 00:04
by 4seven
Solution was (at least) simple

Fix#1 for v.0.0.3

reported: viewtopic.php?f=57&t=2166&start=80#p15056
by: martin123456




Code: Select all

    // switch the on page thing
    switch ($on_page[1])
before add

Code: Select all

    // new prevent
    $active_post_mode = true;     

Code: Select all

                        switch ($posting_mode)
before add

Code: Select all

                        // new prevent
                        $active_post_mode = false; 

Code: Select all

        case 'ucp': 
after add

Code: Select all

            // new prevent
            $active_post_mode = false;     

Code: Select all

        # New Topic/Post Engine / 2012
        // Show Topics                
        if($show_topics && !$show_forums) 
replace with

Code: Select all

        # New Topic/Post Engine / 2012
        // Show Topics                
        if($show_topics && !$show_forums && $active_post_mode) //new prevent       


Code: Select all

        // Show Forums with Topics
        if(!$show_topics && $show_forums && !$show_posts) 
replace with

Code: Select all

        // Show Forums with Topics
        if(!$show_topics && $show_forums && !$show_posts && $active_post_mode) //new prevent       

Code: Select all

        // Show Post Names on Post Links
        if($show_posts && !$show_forums) 
replace with

Code: Select all

        // Show Post Names on Post Links
        if($show_posts && !$show_forums && $active_post_mode) //new prevent       
I test it again some time before updating zip package.