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Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 19 May 2010, 19:08
by Kochintosh
Hey i got a problem hope you can help me out =)

So i've installed it, and it works in the "forum" but the thing is i'm useing a Portal (EasyPortal)

and when the announcments from the News Category gets Ported out to the front page as a news, its doesn't show the picture only the name of the picture

See for your self:

there you can see it shows the name of the picture that i have Attachted, can you help me ? do i need to change the portal_body.php


Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 19 May 2010, 20:38
by Stoker
Does it work without the highslide mod installed?

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 19 May 2010, 21:09
by Kochintosh
I actually dont know, but my gues would be no i cant seam to find any Attachment file in the portal_body.html

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 19 May 2010, 21:22
by Stoker
Then you have to ask the author of the easyportal, he might have the solution.

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 19 May 2010, 22:15
by Kochintosh
Hey, so i've just installed the Highslide mod to my forum. My question is how do I make the Attachments go on to the frontpage with my news? or in other words what and where do i need to add something to enable Attatchments on the Portal_body.html

This is how the Mod is working in the forum:

Uploaded with

This is on the Frontpage where the Attachment should show:

Uploaded with

hope you can tell me what and where to put in the missing link =)

i know u said i should post it on the EasyPortal Discussion page on and i did just wanted to give you an overview of what my problem is and maybe you could help me anyways :P!

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 19 May 2010, 22:19
by Kochintosh
Btw må man godt skrive dansk i den her thread hvis nej bare slet den her reply :P

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 19 May 2010, 22:59
by Stoker
No danish ;)
We need everybody to understand so they have a chance to help.

The problem with the easy portal is that attachments doesnt get parsed.
I have no idea how to fix this, but i have faith that the author will help you.

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 20 May 2010, 11:58
by Kochintosh
Nah i dont think he wanna help me since i've checked some previous post where someone had the same prob and he said that he didn't have time to look in to such a modification -.-

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 20 May 2010, 12:33
by Stoker
Then you should look at the board 3 portal. They provide good support.

Re: Highslide Attachment Mod

Posted: 05 Jun 2010, 21:57
by Hikaru_K
I have a little question.

I made the default installation of this mod and when I attach the image, everthing works flawlessly but the attachment frame (the white one with the ATTACHMENT title) expands to the full posted body (I mean in viewtopic), I mean the white frame area is bigger than the thumbnailed picture itself.

Is there a way to fix this?