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PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 02:06
by Rhyno
Yer but still the countdown box is a different size to all the others, and if i move the code back to overall header, the countdown box goes almost full width and the others go back to normal

Weird heh?

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 02:15
by martin123456
It's a issue with that style it's a biatch to work with do the edits on your prosilver theme and see there your find the box will be the same as the rest in prosilver.

I have the same edits as you and i just made one of my themes autopx check out both themes the box is the same as the other's

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 23 Mar 2012, 00:08
by Rhyno
Bl4d3 x wrote:It's a issue with that style it's a biatch to work with do the edits on your prosilver theme and see there your find the box will be the same as the rest in prosilver.

I have the same edits as you and i just made one of my themes autopx check out both themes the box is the same as the other's
Yer i changed it to 1000px and the countdown box is still smaller then the rest its pissing me off :(
Ahh well i just set the max width to auto px.....

Can't be asked LOL

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 08:29
by Stoker
Bl4d3 x wrote:Find

Code: Select all

<script src="./script/jquery-1.7.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
and replace it with this

Code: Select all

<script src="./script/jquery.jcountdown1.3.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
i found 1.7 dont work with the counter also make sure you have jquery.jcountdown1.3.3.min.js in the script folder
Im using 1.7.1 here and have no problems with it.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 12:44
by martin123456
I tried with 1.7.1 and also 1.7.2 thats out today it only shows the counter box no counter

This seems to be the only one that works for me

Code: Select all

<script src="./script/jquery.jcountdown1.3.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
i have only this query and everything works as should but yes its old.

EDIT: i now have prosilver on

Code: Select all

<script src="{ROOT_PATH}js/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
se_pro (pre_mod) will only run on

Code: Select all

<script src="./script/jquery.jcountdown1.3.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 05:54
by Rhyno
Bl4d3x : You have seen my site also run ok with your settings as well heh..... So dunno what the problem is heh :)

p.s. I deleted this code :

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
      date: "{COUNTDOWN_DATE}",
      onComplete: function( event ) {
      leadingZero: true,
      htmlTemplate: "<span class='cd-time'>{COUNTDOWN_TEXT}</span>  %{d} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_DAYS}</span> %{h} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_HOURS}</span> %{m} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_MINUTES}</span> %{s} <span class=\"cd-time\">{L_SECONDS}</span>",
      direction: "<!-- IF COUNTDOWN_DIRECTION -->down<!-- ELSE -->up<!-- ENDIF -->"
// ]]>
<!-- ENDIF -->


<div class="c-h-l"><div class="c-h-r"><div class="c-h-c"><div class="c-h-title"> Countdown </div></div></div></div>
<div class="forabg">
	<div class="sub-left"><div class="sub-right">
	<ul class="topiclist">
		<li class="header">
			<dl class="icon">
			<div class="v-left"><div class="v-right">
	<ul class="topiclist forums">
		<div class="navbar timecount">
       <span id="time"></span>

		 <div class="c-f-l"><div class="c-f-r"><div class="c-f-c"></div></div></div>
   <!-- ENDIF --> 
From my index_body.html and all the forum boxes went back to there orginal size as normal.

Any ideas in that above code that would set the countdown timer box to take on that orginal size then throw the entire rest of my forum boxes out?

p.s. Some code there is for my style i use etc.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 28 Mar 2012, 09:28
by Stoker
Updated to 1.0.1

New features:
Admin testmode
Count years
Count months
Scripts updated

Update instructions
None - Sorry, the dog ate them.
So you will have to remove the old file edits before installing the new version.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 28 Mar 2012, 13:34
by mikef35
If you would like to display the same time in the countdown to everybody no matter what there timezone is - do the following:



Code: Select all

Change null to whatever time zone you want displayed to all viewers. ie +1, +6, -6, 0 etc.

I enlisted Rich's help from in figuring this out.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 28 Mar 2012, 13:50
by Stoker
Thanks, Will test it and includere it in a previous version.

PhpBB3 Countdown MOD

Posted: 28 Mar 2012, 14:13
by martin123456
Nice update ty i'm using just this line for jquery

Code: Select all

<script src="{ROOT_PATH}script/jquery.jcountdown.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
no 1.3.3 or 1.7's :)

How does test mode work ? is it just admins see it or some thing ?